I'm still nice and young in the game and new ships can be gained easily enough. Today, my new ship is a Scimitar . Well... new ship yesterday.. but I'm fitting it out today. Chella, in an amusing way, has more 'cool stuff' up her sleeve then Sugar. While Chella has focused on logistics and support, Sugar has been working her way into being a solid pewpew capable creature. (Sorry Hong , love my girls) I have dubed him "Spray Tan" cuz its an awesome name. Now my logistics capabilities cover both the Oneiros and Scimitar. I think Chella will stop there. I was going to go Oneiros and then up to the Carrier and be all spiffy but it was brought to my attention that I needed a shield logi as well. The other idea, which is hatching a bit is my thoughts from back in May before they nerfed incursions. With incursions denerfed a bit people have been running them again. Chella is Logi V and with friends in the incursion fleets it may be something new to t