I had the pleasure of having Keskora Yaari . We met a bit after I started the CSM and hit it off. As friendships often do it developed into being about the people and not the medium that we met each other in. My new house has a guest room (my previous one was taken over by my mother who moved in and never moved out) and it was fun to have someone in that I could babble about a large part of my last six months of house renovations. I tried to pamper and spoil her. Those are always the most fun things to do when a friend comes over. I did make sure she was stuffed full of local interesting things. It is only fair, after all. My abilities as a host have improved and I was pleased with myself. One of our interesting links, outside of Eve, is dogs. We are both dog people. Over my years blogging I have discussed and shared time my creatures. From the passing of Nyx to the acquisition of Intuition. He is doing great by the way. He is two and a half now! We discussed Eve some but it w