We will see how long I last. I made my own corporation. Last night, before I went to work I spent a lot of ISK and purchased a bunch of skill books for Leadership and Corporation. I then added them all to my training queue and went to work. Eve Online, for those that do not play it or have just started, is not a simple game. You don't just do things because. If you want to run a company, that is fine. How big a company you want to run is a different thing. You cannot just step in as CEO and run a company with thousands of players. You have to invest training time into it. I find it interesting. The Leadership skills are about improving the attributes and abilities of the people around you, including yourself. A fleet is a group. I picked up skills that add to my ships shields, my ships armor, and even my mining abilities. They are jumps of 2% or more. They make me mine faster and they make me mine more. 2% doesn't seem like a lot but it quickly adds up. Th