I was pretty proud of myself. It was bedtime and I was tired but I had been productive. I had been productive during the day at home. I had meant to do a bit more in game but I was finally getting to what I needed to do. My builds would be done for the morning and I'd be right on task. I'm always pleased when I avoid the urge to not do the things that I need to get done. So, I was in warp to my tower when it hit me. I had forgot to set the password on my freighter. I was in in warp. I was in a Charon. I was in low sec. It was not a good thing. As my screen started to shake the adrenaline hit me. So many things can go wrong. How could I have forgotten to put the password in? Wex and I had discussed it extensively for the last few days. Yet, the first time I went to use it I relapsed into the habit of just warping to it. And memory came all to late. I've never been quite so happy for the slow slide out of warp on a freighter. I decided that decelerating and turning arou