The thing I miss most is having mail. When I log in I often check that line to see if I have mail. Unfortunately, I do not. I am not surprised. There is no reason for me to have mail. Yet, I do miss it. In some ways having regular eve-mail was the moment that I was most connected. I had people to talk with and engage in. It was the closest I've ever been to having a normal social level that I was comfortable with. This shows you how introverted I am that eve-mail filled up my social meter. I log in and look around. Normally, I am looking for the people that I do not have other social contacts with. It is very, very easy to lose those relationships. The binding glue of the game has dissolved and friendship, as an adult, can take work. Even in this information time. Eve gave me things to talk about. Without it, I remember that I don't talk very much. Unless it is about dogs and driving my co-workers crazy when people come to me for advice they won't follow. Since