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Showing posts from January, 2016

Puppy Update

Hey there, Thanks for coming on my roller coaster ride when it comes to the dog side of my personal life. The decision to acquire Intuition coming just a week before my loss of Nyx is still a weird twist of fate. Today, Intuition came home. We were delayed by the snow storm. Let me tell you that I am exhausted. I have shoveled snow all weekend while pacing and stressed. Would we get dug out? Would we get delayed again? I wanted my exhausting responsibility. The car ride down wasn't bad. We got stopped in traffic a few times for the heavy duty plows on Interstate 95. Once we got past them it was smooth sailing. The GPS took us down some partially plowed back roads. Oh the glares I gave my husband over those. He was agreeing however. We made it. How big he has gotten. He weighs 29 pounds at 10 weeks and 3 days. We did all the final paperwork and loaded back up. Temperatures had warmed but we were dropping to below freezing again and the melt would cause the entire

CSMX - Post #42

CCP has published an update from CCP Seagull. For those that like video media go watch . The week started with a polite poke from Tikktokk that the micro jump drive destroyer's were not working in low sec on Sisi. That news cascaded through the game. Theories abounded. Some cheered. Others booed. I went and poked Team Size Matters and asked them if there had been a change and if there had been can we open up discussion about it. While it was hard to not grip my pitckfork and chant with burning torches around the tar soaked hut. We are not banning MJFGs from low sec, not sure how that happened, will find out and fix asap. Sorry for the false alarm #tweetfleet — CCP Rise (@CCP_Rise) January 21, 2016 CCP Rise came forward with clarification that they are not banning the MJFG from low sec. That error has been corrected. Project Discovery has also gone live on the test server . I was introduced to the idea at Fanfest and told agreed that it was amazing and perfect for Eve'

To Play and Pay and Play Again

There are few thoughts in my mind right now that are not related to the weather and how much it will disturb my plans to pickup my puppy on Sunday.  My puppy food was even delivered today. However, I was hanging out on Twitter and caught the someone entering into a conversation that had happened a bit earlier in the day . Work ate my day off so I back tracked to see what was going on. Nosy Gamer has written his opinions about the new skill point trading system. I've expressed my own feelings that I am not a fan. I'm still not although I both understand and accept that Eve is going to change. However, the actual topic that caught my interest was Eve's playability. Over the years I've played, I've been in many discussions about PLEX and payment for your game of Eve. Before I started playing Eve, I did not know that 'buying gold' was real. It never occurred to me that someone would pay money to get a bunch of game currency that they could earn on their own.

Creating Culture

When I started playing Minecraft I started to ask myself why things in Eve were bad. Why was it bad to lose a ship? Why was it bad to not be the winner at PvP? Why were so many game behaviors bad? Why did I cringe at things in Eve that I snickered in or sighed in frustration about in Minecraft? I played both games in a similar fashion. I even played the games with the same people. But one often left me feeling not so good about myself while the other made me willing to share the utterly stupid things I did now and then. Eve has cultures. It has more cultures today then it did two years ago. It has many more then it did four years ago when I started to play. However, those cultures can easily define a person. Social pressure can be shrugged off and you can be told to ignore it but that does not negate its existence or its power. How does one create a supportive environment? It was an interesting question that I was asked yesterday. The environment in question is one that would assis

To gather all the sand

An interesting question was asked about an offical source for CSM communication. I smiled a bit when I read it. It is a regular question that returns often. How do we have one spot when people communicate in so many different ways? How do we capture everything people do and no overwhelm those seeking information? While it is a question posed in a tone of interest in the CSM at a the time of year when interest is highest, it highlights a fascinating problem that I've spent a lot of time thinking about. Before I ask how do we communicate better, broader, and more accessable, I have to ask can we? Can we create a singular source that will be everything for everyone? The question sets its self up for a no. Could we create multiple sources that focus each thing? I thought about it for a moment. We have blog lists, pod casts, lists, forum searches, twitter hash tags. Yet even that quickly grows holes. Private forums for groups and corporations get left behind. Twitter vs reddit vs tum

CSMX - Post #41

Things have been quiet between the CSM and CCP. That does not mean CCP has not been up to things. The patch notes and skimming the forums have shown a lot of activity. The patch notes are live for the January 12th, 2016 release . On January 5th, 2016 CCP Fozzie made a feedback thread about allowing logistic frigates into small FW complexes . In the three pages of response the answer, "yes" was rather unanimous. In the patch notes for January 12th, 2016 we see that logistic frigates are now allowed into small complexes. I assume that feedback and development decisions worked well in that situation. There was some comment about the lack of entry into the small complexes at release. While it did not make 'sense' for those that compared it to larger, logistics brethren, I preferred it. I prefer cautious approaches to potentially overwhelming changes and I will point to command destroyers as an example. On the 5th, CCP Paradox was also asking for testing feedback from

A Passive Strike

The last time I made a killboard entry was January 3rd, 2015 . It wouldn't be considered much of a kill. I popped an AFK pod on the station. Before that, it was December 13th, 2014. In December, I was frantically preparing for the Winter Summit which was only a month away. A huge amount of changes had hit Eve and we had changed our personal schedules a little bit. I was also campaigning for CSM10. In March, I was reelected and I was confronted by someone who pointed out that I was inactive. How could I be a CSM rep when there was nothing on my killboard? Like many situations, I tried to explain. Like many explanations, mine sounded like excuses. I was busy doing CSM stuff. I worked. I was struggling to time zone well. My husband wasn't travelling so I couldn't come home from work and play with no attention to anything else. And, as so often happens when someone holds me to a standard I don't believe in, I got mad. I was building capitals at the time. I was running

Weighing Anchor

Really, unless one is a cat one should not climb into a small, poorly fitted box and get trapped there. "I really want to...," I kept saying. Only, I was sitting in Jita the entire time. I had wandered there to fit a ship back in October or so and I had never left. One thing after another caught my attention and I never fit ships and moved them. But, today as I was saying yet again that I'd really like to do .... I realized that I had trapped myself. I had set myself up to fail without meaning to. When did I ever go to Jita to get fit? When did I ever carefully research ships for the optimal fit for an adventure? When  did I ever care? By trying, something in itself not bad, I had discovered that it is not a viable path for me. Even on my own terms I am not into theory crafting and working out fits. I'll stick to what has worked. I will find people who are good at it and get help. There is a part of me that feels a bit guilty about this. I really feel that I s

Forward Reminders

I started Eve in December of 2011. It leaves the coming of January an easy point for me to gauge the passage of time in relationship to my game play. In my second year of playing I met with an unfortunate attitude that blogging was a dying activity. I blogged then, simply for the pleasure of writing about the game. To me, what I wrote was no more than a public access journal. Google's definition of blog is, "a regularly updated website or webpage, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style." That fits me quite well. To say that blogging was dying because it was not the path to reach out to people anymore seemed ignorant to me. Not every path will find the same people upon it. I, for instance, have little interest in streams and YouTube. To me, they are too much like watching television and that is something I never developed the appetite for. I don't care for visual media. At the same extent, I don'