Sugar has 125 million skillpoints. I stopped celebrating my skillpoint achivements with the skill point changes. I was rather bitter about them. Now, a bit further removed I don't disagree with them as much but I do not like them. However, I can admit that I felt their lure.
When fitting my most amazing NOW CLOAKING WHEN WARPED Stratios the other day I put in the t2 mid-slot analyzer thingy. I couldn't fit it. My first reaction was, "How could this be?" then I remembered that Sugar was never my scanning character. There are holes in her training.
Muttering, I opened the requirements tab of the analyzer and saw that it was a level 5 requirement. I was at level 4. It would be 4 days to train. That went against my do stuff now mindset. I found myself about to give in and buy skillpoints when I realized there had been another line when I looked at the requirements.
I had forgotten a very simple thing. I had unallocated skillpoints. I have collected them, passively, over the last few years. I never used them casually and now I had a million allocated skill points and I needed 600k.
Instant gratification tastes pretty damn good.
When fitting my most amazing NOW CLOAKING WHEN WARPED Stratios the other day I put in the t2 mid-slot analyzer thingy. I couldn't fit it. My first reaction was, "How could this be?" then I remembered that Sugar was never my scanning character. There are holes in her training.
Muttering, I opened the requirements tab of the analyzer and saw that it was a level 5 requirement. I was at level 4. It would be 4 days to train. That went against my do stuff now mindset. I found myself about to give in and buy skillpoints when I realized there had been another line when I looked at the requirements.
I had forgotten a very simple thing. I had unallocated skillpoints. I have collected them, passively, over the last few years. I never used them casually and now I had a million allocated skill points and I needed 600k.
Instant gratification tastes pretty damn good.
Did you go fly your Strat afterwards and use that Analyzer to do some exploration? I blew up my exploration strat this weekend down in Aridia trying to complete a Superior Sleeper Cache. Would love to hear what you are using your Strat for nowadays. Looking forward to reading about it! (Hopefully you may write it up)