The next release is Oceanus and it is already on Sisi. It contains the French Localization that CCP promised back at Fanfest as well as a number of graphic updates.
French Localization is live on the test server and CCP is asking for feedback from those who will read said French. I find the thread fascinating. I can’t understand a bit of the French but the english intertwined with it and the discussions over proper word usage are incredibly interesting to me.
There are some new features for importing fits from EFT's format into Eve.
The graphics team is in action. No, I do not yet have news about the new Dominix hull. However, they are adding interesting and unique wormhole graphics to give visual clues outside of 'show info' about the wormhole.
The new cloak and decloak graphics is very pretty. There is no mechanical change, just a graphical one. Cloaking will still be instant to other people. All of the pretty parts will be for you alone. When the graphics team released the new cloaking effect one of the first responses I read was an eyeroll and complaint that coding time was wasted on graphics instead of fixing something important. The graphics team does graphics. They would make a new outpost look amazing but they would not be revamping Sov.
However, CCP Greyscale did say that Sov is being looked at during his interview on the live stream during the alliance tournament. That is a topic that people have been asking about and the answer is simply, “Yes”. Force projection, projection in general, and Sov Null are major topics of interest and concern for CSM9.
Wormholes now have a bit more information in their show information. This was something asked for, looked at, and added. From the Patch notes for Hyperion 1.3 released on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014
Oceanus is shaping up to be a small but sturdy release. What are we doing? We've managed to slip another meeting into our month. It should become a regular one. A lot of what we are looking at will be longer term projects that will roll into the fall and winter. The Summit is almost upon us and the seven members of CSM9 that are attending will head out next weekend.
That does not mean wormholes are forgotten. Corbexx has been writing and talking to people about it. I've been gleaning what I can from the people in wormholes that we know. There has been a lot of attention paid to the activity. Corbexx worries about the future for wormholes.
I’ve been going through my questions, ideas, and concerns for the Summit. I’ve been making notes at all of the things that have come up that have been answered and sending Eve Mails back to their original askers pointing out that the issues are resolved. It is surprising, in a good way, how much my list has decreased. My current document is about six pages long. I expect that to double and I hope to have it done by Sunday evening. Then I can make it pretty with areas for taking notes during the Summit itself.
From there I will continue to solicit thoughts, ideas, concerns, and problems from people until next Sunday and then we will see how the Summit goes. Anything solicited after next Sunday go into my normal files of ‘ideas and problems people bring to me’ to be brought up, sorted through, and used as I can or readdressed for the Winter Summit. The Summits give us a lot of face time with the developers but a massive amount is accomplished during our day in and day out communication with CCP.
The second CSM9 Town Hall will be later today at 1900 GMT.
Steve is puttering along with his SSO work on the ‘Things’ project over at CSM9.org Hopefully we will have something available to the public soon.
Last week I managed to get my numbers out of sequence for my CSM posts. I am shocked that it took that long. I suspect I am the only one that is bothered by it or noticed. Picking numbers instead of weeks was not the smartest thing to do but I didn’t let that stop me. I also updated my CSM9 page which helped me to catch the mistake and let me know that I forgot to hit save the last time I updated it.
I expect the next two weeks to be rather interesting.
French Localization is live on the test server and CCP is asking for feedback from those who will read said French. I find the thread fascinating. I can’t understand a bit of the French but the english intertwined with it and the discussions over proper word usage are incredibly interesting to me.
There are some new features for importing fits from EFT's format into Eve.
The graphics team is in action. No, I do not yet have news about the new Dominix hull. However, they are adding interesting and unique wormhole graphics to give visual clues outside of 'show info' about the wormhole.
The new cloak and decloak graphics is very pretty. There is no mechanical change, just a graphical one. Cloaking will still be instant to other people. All of the pretty parts will be for you alone. When the graphics team released the new cloaking effect one of the first responses I read was an eyeroll and complaint that coding time was wasted on graphics instead of fixing something important. The graphics team does graphics. They would make a new outpost look amazing but they would not be revamping Sov.
However, CCP Greyscale did say that Sov is being looked at during his interview on the live stream during the alliance tournament. That is a topic that people have been asking about and the answer is simply, “Yes”. Force projection, projection in general, and Sov Null are major topics of interest and concern for CSM9.
Wormholes now have a bit more information in their show information. This was something asked for, looked at, and added. From the Patch notes for Hyperion 1.3 released on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014
Wormholes will now include extra information text in their Show-Info window about the size of ships that can pass through.There is a bug with black screening multibox clients that CCP Masterplan is looking into. If this is happening to you, give him some feedback. I was surprised that it was not happening to me. I’ve caught most of the recent graphics bugs but somehow I managed to avoid this one.
Oceanus is shaping up to be a small but sturdy release. What are we doing? We've managed to slip another meeting into our month. It should become a regular one. A lot of what we are looking at will be longer term projects that will roll into the fall and winter. The Summit is almost upon us and the seven members of CSM9 that are attending will head out next weekend.
That does not mean wormholes are forgotten. Corbexx has been writing and talking to people about it. I've been gleaning what I can from the people in wormholes that we know. There has been a lot of attention paid to the activity. Corbexx worries about the future for wormholes.
I’ve been going through my questions, ideas, and concerns for the Summit. I’ve been making notes at all of the things that have come up that have been answered and sending Eve Mails back to their original askers pointing out that the issues are resolved. It is surprising, in a good way, how much my list has decreased. My current document is about six pages long. I expect that to double and I hope to have it done by Sunday evening. Then I can make it pretty with areas for taking notes during the Summit itself.
From there I will continue to solicit thoughts, ideas, concerns, and problems from people until next Sunday and then we will see how the Summit goes. Anything solicited after next Sunday go into my normal files of ‘ideas and problems people bring to me’ to be brought up, sorted through, and used as I can or readdressed for the Winter Summit. The Summits give us a lot of face time with the developers but a massive amount is accomplished during our day in and day out communication with CCP.
The second CSM9 Town Hall will be later today at 1900 GMT.
Steve is puttering along with his SSO work on the ‘Things’ project over at CSM9.org Hopefully we will have something available to the public soon.
Last week I managed to get my numbers out of sequence for my CSM posts. I am shocked that it took that long. I suspect I am the only one that is bothered by it or noticed. Picking numbers instead of weeks was not the smartest thing to do but I didn’t let that stop me. I also updated my CSM9 page which helped me to catch the mistake and let me know that I forgot to hit save the last time I updated it.
I expect the next two weeks to be rather interesting.
French localization was overdue - I am glad they CCP is tackling it now. The next expansion seems to be a quiet one, not so bad, let the dust around the changes in WH space settle a bit. Corbexx predictions are a bit too dramatic in my opinion. Yes, smaller corporations are having a harder time but people adapt, corporations share holes and alliances can be formed. If anything, Hyperion reminded us that WH space is the real, true nullsec where anything goes and nothing is ever safe.
ReplyDeleteCorbexx can worry about wormholes but I don't see it having much effect if the industry changes are a gauge; but for all the doom and gloom over industry CCP did not back off the nerf of mineral acquisition.
ReplyDeleteSugar, it is a bit dry - but I am curious to know how many have significantly trained into L5 for the refining skills. Previous they did release numbers about skill changes with the patches. So it would be a reasonable followup by CCP to Cruis/Hyperion.
Are numbers ever dry to an Eve player? It is a good question, I'll see what I can find out and what I can share or have shared.