Siuil was nice enough to send me a chat he had with a friend from World of Warcraft. I think it speaks for itself.
Banks: you still playing EVE?
Siuil: yeah ^^
Siuil: too far gone now couldnt give this up if I tried
Banks: come wow, new season inc in 1 week
Siuil: im fine thanks :P
Siuil: adrians already tried
Banks: haha
Siuil: reason I play this god forsaken game
Siuil: "I was there"
Banks: HAH
Banks: nice
Siuil: when you look at the scale of it
Siuil: thats truely stupid
Siuil: you wont EVER get something like that out of EVE
Siuil: and because its a single shard server its not
something that happened elsrwhere
Siuil: WoW just cant compete anymore ^^
Banks: hah
Banks: i think wow has become too simplistic for u now
Banks: i think we've lost you for all eternity :SS
Banks: :D
Siuil: Unfortunately :(
Siuil: I just started to write a huge thing about what I
managed to accomplish today
Siuil: realised it would be jibberish to you
Siuil: wrote this instead
Banks: hahah
Banks: rolfl
Siuil: basically this game requires me to think which is
grea tnad I dont have to be online to progress my character
Siuil: therefore it appeals :D
Banks: i guess
Siuil: also due to it being single shard the community is
Siuil: you wont get developers turning up to community meet
Siuil: in wow I mean
Siuil: its all player driven and yeah your right I couldnt
go back to MMO's like GW2 anymore :P
Siuil: though GW2 and WoW were great fun
Banks: hehe
Siuil: WoW days are golden xD
Siuil: pulled off some crazy shit
Banks: :)
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