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The Mighty Jaguar

I lost a Jaguar last night to bombers.  One of the most fascinating things about making a decision and accepting the probable bad outcome is the calmness when it happens.  Earlier that same day I jumped into another group that could have wrecked my world if they had reacted as I expected them to react.  I had an adrenaline spike from that.  Yet, as I watched space explode around my Jaguar and my shields, armor, and hull, and then pod vanish it was more along the lines of, "Damn, almost made it."

Being illiterate and simple minded I'm not able to say, "Didn't want that Jaguar/Pod anyway".  I most certainty wanted them. I purchased them for a reason.  The pod was almost a year old and with a set of +4 implants.  I had to go and get another one.  Now, if I we had planned to go into null I might have made a different pod decision but it was a last minute event and we knew the bombers would be there but we wondered if we could take care of business before we died.  Internet spaceships blow up when they are undocked.

The answer was no.

In the serious world of internet spaceships the question comes up, "What is serious and what is fun?"   I had one of my newbies out the other night.  It is my little introduction to low sec, running around, being told what to do and answering questions, making sure things that we take for granted are explained and trying to scrape the bright wide eyed newness off a little bit.    Stepping into a bad situation and seeing what happens can be fun.  If there was too much seriousness then we'd have never made the effort because of the possibilities or we would have been inhibited by something like kill board ratios.  As it was, it was a why not moment.  The balance is hard to pin down and place inside a neat, lace edged box, but it is there and it will change with each group of people.

But things can be fun.  I was puttering around cleaning up drones (T2 drones are worth something you know!) and I saw a Retriever jump in.  I didn't believe my eyes.  "A retriever jumped in," I said.  The boys had all warped off.  Could I kill a retriever on my own before gate guns got my Jaguar?  It was time to find out.  I was in a bad position and by the time I landed in point range the retriever warped off.

If you don't look in space it is something to start doing.  Scroll out and look to see where a ship heads.  I saw that he had warped to the next gate.  Lovely.  I gave chase.  Jaguar is faster than Retriever.  I also did not yet have an answer to the kill Retriever with Jaguar before gate guns killed Jaguar question.

As I landed on the gate just in time to see it flash.  I jumped and saw the Retriever 36k off of me. It was a big gate.  Just as I got it targeted it warped off.  At this time, LR also jumped into the system in an Omen.  The rest of the boys were heckling him on coms and told him that a large fleet had jumped into the other system and they were engaging.  They were not able to keep their snickers to themselves so we ignored them.  I saw where thRetriever warped and warped after it. Again.

I landed on the gate and jumped.  Only, I was alone in the system.  Then LR appeared.  Still alone. I cursed that the Retriever pilot had headed for one of the stations that were in line with the gate.  I burned back to the gate as LR told the rest of the boys to STFU when the Retriever appeared in local and the gate fired.

Okay.  He had to have warp core stabilizers   I'd have one point and LR would have two and hopefully that was enough to keep him pinned down.  The gate was small and I had a long point so I was ready when he decloaked.  Pointed, orbited, and pewpewpewpew.  The gateguns started chewing into me. LR established point and DPS.  When the Retriever hit half armor I had to bail.  I had a close pounce.  I warped off, warped back, and LR had finished killing him and the popped the pod.

To my sadness, the strip miner that dropped was too large for the Jaguar's hold.  I noticed at that point that the person that had said, "eeeeeee" in local was the Retriever pilot.  Well, I am sure being chased by two flashy red pirates in low sec was a bit of a head rush for him.  Why no stabilizers and no scout I don't know. I think he was trying to slip it down into null sec.

It was an interesting night with a lot of fleets up doing different things.  Slipping between various fleets and engaging in different sections of activities was fun.  Because we all use the same coms system flipping between one corporations coms and another is as fast as changing chat rooms.   Free form communications.

Ahh, I do love the Jaguar.  As I was finishing this up I landed on a gate with a fleet on it (Hurricane x4, Ashimmu, Abaddon and Tempest) .  They jumped through and started sensor boosting an Ashimmu who pointed me as soon as I decloaked.  However, no panic just RAWR!  I know what to do!  I know that this does not have to be the end! Mighty Jaguar RAWR!  Burn MWD BURN!  Microwarp drive to the freedom of space!

Love my Jags.


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