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My First Claimed Bounty

Bounty payment
Sent: 2012.12.08 01:18
 For your termination of Robinton Jax we have paid you 1,250,000.00 ISK from their bounty pool.
Well, that was fun. Getting ISK is just icing on the cake.

I was up in Molden Heath due to someone asking me to assist the day before.  My jump clone timer had not cycled yet for me to jump back to the vacation house.  My solution was to hanging out, harassing Vov who was running around in a Tempest Fleet Issue.

With people next door he went to try to bait them into fighting.  I kind of manhandled my hurricane into something flyable and went to assist.  'Detta also meandered over so we had a nice little Talos/Hurricane/Tempest FI thing going on.  There was a fight on one of the high sec gates.  It went down before we could join in and I listened to the person who had died wail about it in local.  He was so busy screaming accusations that I targeted his pod at 30k. "Can I kill him?" I asked Vov.  "You'll go GCC.  But do as you wish."  While I decided I didn't really want to go GCC and take another sec hit the guy realized he was a moment from death and jumped into high sec.  Beyond that, we didn't manage to get into anything so I docked and went to finish dinner.

When I came back Vov and 'Detta were having a bit of a stand off in the next system.  The SFI/Hurricane/SFI were on one side of the gate and they were on the other.  They were about 100k off and the other group was not jumping in to them.

Idea.  "Sugar, come jump into system and see if they follow you." I was bait.  Exciting!  People often think that bait is a simple job.  Its not.  Bait isn't meant to be eaten.  Its meant to get the fight going as an anchor.  And then not die because we need all of our DPS ships.

  Vov and 'Detta are not outlaw/flashy red as I am.  Also, chances were rather high that they had no idea if we were even together   Molden Heath being the mixing pot that it is figuring out who may be with who can be hard because we shoot and fleet with the same people.

I undocked and headed to the system where Vov and Detta were.  I landed on the gate in the center of the SFI/SFI/Hurricane group that was orbiting it.  I jumped and watched as they jumped with me.  Nice.  Flashy red Sugar is hard to resist.  Expected.  I immediately started to burn off.  The SFI was 15k off me which was pretty good.  However, I was pointed away from Vov and 'Detta who were burning in from 100k.  I took a long arcing path back towards them trying to stay out of warp scrambler range of the SFI.   He finally did catch me but I had created a lot of distance before that happened.  A lot of distance for Vov and 'Detta to close space and come to assist.  I also let him start shooting first so that I wouldn't take gateguns.

Pewpew time as the rest of his fleet came in.  I started to unload into him and he into I.  I set my ECM drone onto him. I kept breaking free of the lock and using the time to hit my MWD and get some speed and space towards Vov and 'Detta.  Once Vov and 'Detta were around I aligned to the sun and kept wailing away at the SFI.

Sweetly, the SFI went down just as their Hurricane reached us.  I had switched my drones to Hurricane while I worked on finishing the SFI.  The SFI went down, the Hurricane lost point and I took off in half shields.  Vov was thwacking everything with heavy neuts so I have no idea if it was ECM drones or him but point was lost and I was a happy duckling.  Beautiful.

Vov and 'Detta killed the cane but lost point on the other SFI when 'Detta had to warp off because he had taken GCC.  I came back on scene, scooped up all the drones and got a belly full of loot for my troubles.

Then I saw the bounty payout.  Yay money!

My first non-cyno frig kill since Retribution went off quite well.  I didn't get to see if the SFI had a good explosion with the new graphics.  I was to busy getting out of there.  Being able to come back to the gate and not get shot again is so amazing.

I didn't get to enjoy any of the new targeting graphics.  I was to busy focusing on maintaining my distance, getting back to my fleet for assistance and not burning out my modules to see the pretty new targeting.

Vov's battle report goes, "I undocked and killed things.  Then the other SFI got away."


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