I'm cursed perhaps.
It seems that every time I attempt to interact with null things go pear shaped. The quietest solar system develops traffic and wild roaming gangs spawn. I rarely get that quiet and empty null experience that I read others experience. I'd like to try it out. Instead its often wild gangs, being chased, people running around throwing up bubbles and really... all I want to do is some simple carebearing and ISK acquisition in the dark sleepy depths of space. The place that I can't seem to find.
Dher says its because the particular area is a pass through and insists that the rest of null is empty and quiet. I mostly just stared at him. It is not that I do not believe him. It is that my interactions in null have never achieved this empty and quiet feel where I could idly scan down sites and make isk in empty reaches of darkness.
Instead, I wind up hunted and probed while I bounce around and people want to kill me.
We spent an hour avoiding a fleet that wanted to do said killing the other day. I had a site that had escalated and was sending me to null sec. I sighed a bit. I sighed in that way that you sign when you know things are going to not be good but will hopefully be worth it.
It was okay at first. Before this fleet. The system is occupied by an industry corp. That's nice they are cautious. They kept dropping probes. It was not that we were overly worried about them. It is that we didn't want anyone to get a warp in on the site before it was finished. Then the fleet and the running and the avoiding for an hour. Dher ran them in circles and I just ran in circles.
Of course, once they went away and the site was finished my client had issues. Every time I tried to open the can it gave me my own inventory. I couldn't properly open anything in space. Someone had dropped probes again. I can't access the wreck. Dher has warped off. I frantically messed with my settings until I got the can in my over view and opened it and looted it and ran.
The reward was a shiny 10MN afterburner that goes for some 400mil plus.
Even writing about null gives me pains. The idea for my fifth submission came about easily enough. Executing the idea did not. I dragged myself through the writing of it paragraph by paragraph and really have no idea what it is anymore other then a terrible pain in the ass. Null sec just seems to be a part of Eve that does not work for me so far. A pity that. I find it a fascinating place but my interactions with it have not been the fun and enjoyable times I'd consider pleasant game play.
I've spent the last week struggling with my own creation and losing the battle. It irritates me. Because of said struggle I have done almost nothing else but stare at a word document and sigh. I'm determined to finish it tomorrow. It may be absolute crap but it will be finished crap.
I also tried to kill a Moa. I didn't manage to kill the Moa.
And someone asked me if I have joined a 'big null sec alliance' yet.
Heh. No. No I have not.
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