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Little Bits of Thought

It's like going out on a date. I joined the fleet, we set a short local destination, we pewpewed, and they took me home in time for my curfew before they went to have a boys night out.

Such is life when idle things like jobs get in the way of Eve playing. I'm appreciative of the miniroam that I was included in. Diz said to select armor stuff. Because I have no creativity I hopped into an armor cane. Then I saw that everyone else was in SFI and Diz in a Vigilant. So I was going to hop into a SFI but Diz wanted the 'cane's DPS. Thankfully, some other hurricane's came along so I didn't feel like the weird, over sized one.

The goal was to run around a little bit and poke our head into a few places. Then they'd drop me off at home for my curfew and head on out to have a boys night out. I don't play around in armor ships much. They have pros and cons of course. The mind churning slow speed is a major negative for me. It was fun having webs but good luck catching anything that was lucky enough not to fall into the spiders web.

It was a fun little roam. We almost had a fantastic fight. The call was made for us to jump into them and take gateguns since they were willing to target people but not shoot. They had three Talos, an Oracle and something else. When we jumped a Tornado landed. Then their Talos all bailed but for the one we had locked down. The Oracle ran away because we were slow and the Tornado we managed to kill even thou he started 55k away from an armor fleet.

Also, said Talos did not have any rigs. That makes me sad.

I enjoyed the roam a lot. I was happy and comfortable with what was going on. It is an interesting reflection of a conversation I had earlier with Ender. He suggested I start buying myself more expensive things to play in. I of course refused. Yet, another argument, unrelated made me rethink my decision a bit. Ender feels that I am old enough to start flying the things I want to fly and lose the things I want to lose even if that means blinged out expensive stuff. At first, I fell back onto my entire 'oh noes I'm to new and stupid and inexperienced' response. Yet, I put so much weight on their opinion on everything else, why not this?

The good roam helped me think a bit. It is not that I plan to run out and faction fit everything under the sun and then lose it. Its more a relaxing and trying more things situation. But it was the argument that I had with someone who had not kept up on the argument about buffing gateguns and thought that it was going in with the December patch.

I corrected them and told them that the situation had died down. They came back with how it was the best idea and it would help people get into PvP because frigs would be viable on the gates in low sec. This person did not have much PvP experience and lived in high sec. I found myself bristling and hissing a bit. Perhaps not in truth, but I've been writing too much and I find myself a bit more descriptive then normal of late.

Beyond that, I was irritated. I was very irritated. I found myself thinking, "How dare they. How dare they try to make calls like that when they do not even live in the space they wish to change or spend any type of significant time there. I live there. I live with the mechanics. I understand the damage my ship can and can not take on the gate. How dare they sit and tell me what is best when they do not even experience it just because they think it will be easier and cheaper for them whenever they feel a random urge to 'roam into low sec for some PvP'."

I was much more polite in my response then in my thoughts but the sheer irritation I felt surprised me. Yet, at the same time it burned away some of the pensive mood that has followed me all weekend and warmed me instead. I'm not suddenly some uber bad ass stalking the space lanes but I'm also not a month old anymore.

How cute for me. A moment of personal growth.


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