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.02 Away From True Outlaw

Ke$ha - We R Who We R

In the discussions about battle reports and why they are important one simple reason is that kill boards do not show everyone that was involved. Battles in Eve are about fighting and documentation is important for any fight.

Tuesday was most certainly about industry. I also started the day with a -3.7 sec status. I have a project brewing that I hope will be a success but may be a crashing failure. I'd been running errands all day and I was tired. My Viator needed a break. After being chased through a few systems by someone, it was time to roll around in my Jaguar and go play with the DED plex down the street. I found out about my sec status when I jumped into a .07 system and got chased by faction police. Whoops.

I was chatting with someone in -THC2- (our public chat) and he decided to come visit me in my home system and ask me to come play with him. I was hesitant at first. It's not something I've done before. I undocked in my cane and saw that he was in a slasher.

Well hmm. I'd either alpha him and he'd isntapop or he'd manage to get in under my guns and screw me over to a true hilarious loss mail. I down shipped to a Jag. On retrospect it wasn't fair. However, he didn't ask me to come give him a fair 1v1 he asked me to come play.

I went to him to fight on the sun, and he was gone. I warped to a safe and harassed him that he was setting a trap. He went back to the sun and so did I. For a moment I was thinking, "Should I ask if we're engaging?" and then I decided to just shoot him and see how it went.

He webed, nosed, scrammed and damped me. I shot him anyway. When he was in structure I stopped shooting. It was kinda friendly and I didn't know if we were sparring or not. I held him there scrammed and not able to get the distance he needed on me as he shot me down to 98% shields. I asked, "Want it to pop?"
"It's insured!"
I blinked to myself shrugged and said, "Okay" and popped his ship.

We had a good discussion with Ender for why the set up did not work. Why the tracking disruptor was not going to work with the Jag. How speed wasn't his friend that time due to the ships on grid. He had expected me to step out in something larger than I did. I offered him a ship to run home in but he decided to boat it along on his own.

A bit later, as I lazily flew my Jag around to gain a little sec status we got news that an Eve Uni blob was enroute. The discussion went up. We had six ships available. They poked their head in system and Ren and I decided to dance around each other in frigates to let them see that we were active.

They did stay in system. First one then a rifter, then a third, then two, then three and they just hung out. So we hung out. Finally, Ren went to poke his head into the next system to see what was going on.

He landed on their gang. It was composed of something like: Atron x2, blackbird brutix x2, condor, crow, crucifier, drake, exeq, kestrel, moa, retribution, rifter x3, rupture, slasher x2, vigil. Plus some cloaky stuff. He managed to get away and kite out a few ships but decided to bail. They were willing to go after him because he is red outlaw pirate status. He then bounced back through them again into system.

We then went to see if they'd be interested in nonflashy bait but they were not. So, we jumped back into the system and they did as well. We sent a ship off the the planet and Ren and I began a discussion in local about how nice it would be to have a fight, how we had insurance on our ships, so forth and so on. We waited, they visited us at our station and fired on ren. That entire situation was rather silly and I even said that we were willing to fight but not take gateguns. I even said, "I'm not sure we can shake our butts more to show that we are willing to fight," at one pint.

Finally, we all warped to a planet and sat there. We commented in local about how we were at this planet. Nothing. Finally, Ender said he was going to bail and warped off. Then the drake lands on us. He engages ren and a throax lands and bails. Ender starts to turn back around and I start to make some distance from the drakes. I knew they had our warp in so we needed to move and not give them pleasure of landing on top of us.

Our fleet was drake, drake, drake, hurricane, vexor, hurricane.

Then their fleet started to land. We were anticipating the blackbird. I burned away from fleet to make some distance. My autocannon optimal is pretty damn good these days. The blob landed on the drakes and engaged the other hurricane. The blackbird landed and as I had hoped, right into my claws not 30 k off. I was on him and had him scrammed in a moment. Pew fucking pew. ECM down.

With the blackbird off field I just kited all over the place distracting frigs and plucking them off one by one as we tried to hold the field down and thin out what was going on. I decided to work on frigs because Eve Uni uses a lot of ewar. While the drakes engaged the targets I figured my best bet would be to thin down tackle and scatter people to the best of my ability while running away and around the entire field.

It worked out nicely. We split and spread out the fleet and chewed through them. They started to bail and we grabbed who and what we could. We wound up taking down the brutix, the moa, and an assortment of smaller things.

We then cleared and looted the field. GFs (good fights) were given in local. We didn't chase them out of the area. Everyone had put off stuff they needed to do for the fight. Congratulations to our newest member, out there in his Vexor taking armor damage and not dying and fighting. He almost has a negative sec status now!.

Talking about sec status...

Here is how my sec sataus looks for the last day. I looked and found that I am at -4.8. Ren goes, "Come to the red Sug, you know you want to." I can only think, "Hmm... I did make the pirate queen comment..."

2012.09.04 03:45 -1.9255% Combat - Ship Kill
2012.09.04 15:34 0.0733% Law Enforcement - Security Status Gain
2012.09.04 18:35 0.2358% Law Enforcement - Security Status Gain
2012.09.04 20:35 0.2012% Law Enforcement - Security Status Gain
2012.09.04 20:45 0.1955% Law Enforcement - Security Status Gain
2012.09.04 20:56 0.1955% Law Enforcement - Security Status Gain
2012.09.04 21:45 0.1208% Law Enforcement - Security Status Gain
2012.09.04 22:26 -0.4711% Combat - Aggression
2012.09.05 00:26 -0.4753% Combat - Aggression
2012.09.05 00:26 -1.9019% Combat - Ship Kill
2012.09.05 00:27 -0.4735% Combat - Aggression
2012.09.05 00:27 -0.4742% Combat - Aggression
2012.09.05 00:27 -0.4935% Combat - Aggression
2012.09.05 00:27 -1.8945% Combat - Ship Kill
2012.09.05 00:28 -0.4719% Combat - Aggression
2012.09.05 00:28 -0.4732% Combat - Aggression
2012.09.05 00:28 -0.4803% Combat - Aggression
2012.09.05 00:28 -1.8880% Combat - Ship Kill
2012.09.05 00:28 -1.8954% Combat - Ship Kill
2012.09.05 00:28 -1.9028% Combat - Ship Kill
2012.09.05 00:29 -0.4743% Combat - Aggression
2012.09.05 00:29 -0.4745% Combat - Aggression
2012.09.05 00:29 -0.4764% Combat - Aggression
2012.09.05 00:29 -1.9223% Combat - Ship Kill
2012.09.05 00:30 -1.8984% Combat - Ship Kill


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