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My precious!

I banned myself from my other accounts for most of yesterday. I needed to do some belt ratting and I’d never accomplish that with other accounts logged in. I’d do something much more interesting than running around belts looking for battleships.

I had a tiny bit of motivation. I’d pulled a few faction spawns out of a particular system in the last few days. Neither had dropped anything bug tags and ammo. But, like the sweet taste of exploration the occasional spawn just draws me back wanting more. Plus, the sec gain is delicious goodness.

Off I went, buzzing around. My thoughts are swirling around my ship. Am I going to stay in it or move to a cynabal for ratting? Someone suggested in a chat that stealth bombers are a good selection for null sec ratting. They are popular but not for me right now. I don’t want to take the time out of my gunnery training to start missile training for torpedos. In general, I don’t want to fly one yet.

Maybe I should look into flying my cynabal and not just staring at it in my hanger. I think I’ll go over it with the guys and discuss the fitting aspects of it. There are some aspects to how we fly cynabals that I’m not quite sure I am ready for. For one, keeping range is something I understand and can kind of do right now. I’m very used to running in and shooting things in the face right now so the change in lfying style if dealing with combat is a big thing to consider. Also, there is the entire faction point thing going on and my general aversion to flying bling.

Not that bling is bad. But I’m still leery of it. I seem to have this little mental hitch where I don’t think that I have proven myself worthy of flying more than basic things.

For now, Jaguar. RAWR.

My mind is churning away in the background. I see an Ares on scan in one system. Interceptor. Fast. But I’m fast too! Jaguar! RAWR! Uhh…h mm… pewpewable? I decide yes. I should be more sturdy and can eat it! I hope. Of course it leaves the system. Still. I need to focus a bit more on what I can do to other ships instead of just avoiding them when I am alone. I think. I need to also make sure I’m recognizing ships faster and able to figure out what they are and can do to me. Knowledge is normally my key to expanding myself. I’d like to not keep writing about my adventures in running away from everything.

I bounce in to visit TEXN and local was full. There is another alliance that has moved into their home system. It may prove to be interesting. I move onto the next system. There, a few belts into my check the belt rats spawn and I squeal aloud.

“Faction frigate rat!” I type in chat.
“Do you need help with that?” Diz ask.
“No. I should be able to take him down.”
“Okay. I had a dred undocking for you.”
“Thank you, but it’s all good. He’s dead.”
“I’m glad you are safe.”

So heavy the sarcasm.

I check the wreck. I see an implant icon. Ecstatic, I see that it is a a low grade halo alpha implant. Shiny! WOOT!

My first pirate implant drop.

This is new and exciting. This is mine. I grabbed it and run back home to drop it off in my hanger. I may have touched and rubbed on it some but no one needs to know that. I got a price check from someone and discovered that my shiny new piece of goodness was only worth about 2-3mil.

Damn. But its mine anyway! It may be more cubic zarconia then diamond but I don’t care. Its tucked away in a container in my hanger and its pretty. I found myself chortling and giggling over it. Then I got scolded by someone in the channel I price checked for not salvaging the wreck. They told me to go back and salvage it. I explained that not only was I several systems away, but I also didn’t care. But the salvage would be worth more than the loot, I was told. No, the salvage might be worth more than the loot. It would also require that I care. At the moment, I was too busy nuzzling my new possession to care.

I rewarded myself with some scanning. I dropped my probes and was immmedatly rewarded with a radar site and a 4/10 DED Plex. The 4/10 ment that I got to try out my Scimitar for the first time.

It went rather well. The second room got a bit toasty but the shield reps held me up. I don't have her shield rep maxed like I do armor reps and I'll need to fit that into the schedule immediately.

The plex dropped nothing. I then almost lost my covops twice while doing the radar site. I've been getting spawns on almost every can lately. I have no idea why. My covops shreds like paper. This was the original reason I was going to do the Tengu thing. Now...

I don't know yet. I really want a legion. I may just make a legion as a pure covops scanning cloaky boat and run things like I currently do but with a bit more tank then the paper that my CovOps is.

And hopefully I don't randomly leave it decloaked somewhere... and the tengu thing... ahh....


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