A cyclone killed one of the alliance member's noctis. Only, he did it in a system with 11 alliance members logged in. When word came out that he had nailed the Noctis, people undocked.
A drake (surprise) pointed him and everyone else landed.
How many times have I been in a fleet now where there are numerous alliance or corpmates logged in and one person gets taken down and no one undocks? I understand that every single person may be afk. It boggles my mind but I will accept the validity of that point. However, I was not afk nor were several others. I was, in fact, about to go to bed at that moment.
"Get into a PvP ship and get on coms. Someone has GCC in here," flickered across chat.
"In here?" I asked, stupidly, because I was tired.
It turned out the guy had GCC for killing one of our alliance members.
I logged on, switched from my Jag into my cane, checked that I had ammo and undocked while the drake hunted the guy down. He found the cyclone sitting on the sun. He landed 80k off of the Cyclone and said, "I'm 80 off him, lets see if he wants to play."
Of course he did. I aligned myself to the sun and waited for, "Point."
I was the second one in.
He set his drones on me. Little evil hammerheads started to tear into my shields. I boosted away from them to get some distance and pop them. There were three other ships on the cyclone working through his ASB (Ancillary Shield Booster)reps. Another drake landed and a tempest.
I suspect we may have gotten him at the reload cycle. That or the tempest burned through the reps. One way or another, EMP is going to become even more popular fighting against the ASB. I'm curious how CCP is regarding their info on it due to its heavy use during ATX.
I was in half shields when the cyclone went down. I had just been about to bounce off grid and come back. My earlier thoughts to when should I leave came back to me. I figured I'd shake off the drones and come back and finish helping.
But there was no need.
His comment in local is, "4v1, cool, later" and he leaves in his pod.
It was not about fair. No one was offering a 1v1. He killed one of our members and we went after him. How is that not expected and what fairness standard was offered? He killed a Noctis. I know they are frightening ships full of tractor beams and salvagers. If the concept of fair is to be flung around, a Cyclone vs Noctis is not fair.
He also had a Sliepnir friend on the gate to the next system who warped off after he popped.
The Noctis pilot, irritated docked his mission ships and switched out to start a roam. Everyone else was on board with that. Me, saddled with the entire work thing bowed out. I feel like I'll be missing a lot of things in the future due to my time table falling out of sync with my alliances prime time these days.
Ahh well.
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