We tried to play with Eve Uni. They all docked up. We sent one ship in again and kept the rest of our massive fleet (9 people) two systems away. One of our members was out of town but able to log in. He did not have coms. Therefor, myself and another did a chat to text translation to keep him up to date on fleet commands and general coms discussion.
We sent in our bait ship, but everyone avoided him and docked up. He tried to do some bumps on a Raven but he was not successful. The entire time, we're sitting a bit back and we have a local corp smack talking our two backup drakes for our bait drake and asking them to come fight them. Irritating. They blamed us for gatecamping the other day as well. We corrected them on that one. If we are ignoring every single ship that comes through, I do not think that we qualify as a gate camp.
Since we had a fleet up we decided to head out into deeper low sec and see what we could find. Sunday nights can be hard nights to find a fight during our time zone.
We eventually came upon a system with some active people. A tornado and Ishkur were on scans as well as a Machariel. Two of the drakes hopped through to try to get aggression. Everyone hit safes. They went to the next system and tried to lure people to them. That didn't work well and they were called back to wait on their gate while the scanner tried to find a Machariel. Just as he nailed him the warped. Irritating.
We moved on.
A few systems later we found a gatecamp. Seven people on the gate. Our drake landed in the middle of them and they tried to nab him. We jumped the rest of the fleet in. They immediately started to bail. By the time we made the 30au jump they were down to a drake and a hurricane.
The drake was stuck. He was pointed and aggressed. Why the hurricane did not leave, we're not sure. He eventually tried to burn away. That didn't work out for him. Cane down. Drake down. Rest of the fleet was gone.
Scoop loot and we moved on.
Our bait drake was wandering around the system. There was a cane floating around said system. He wound up at a planet. The cane landed.
It was a situation of bait meets bait. Both were obvious. The question was who was it going to work for the best.
They played aggression games and interacted. Local spiked by 4. We jumped in. They landed, turned around and ran away immediately. We nabbed the Tengu. Chase, chase, burn burn. Hurricane down. Burn, burn, burn, holding the point as it changes off from different people and finally... Tengu down.
We made it another two systems into our roam when we got word that there were a few more people logging into Heild and sitting out on the undock for us to attempt to engage.
A few more Eve Uni folk logged in so we turned around and made speed back.
We jumped a tanky ship in and were trying to get some warp ins but it all didn't work out and they all docked up again. Earlier, one corp member was camping them by being there with only 13 people in station. We tried to nab a few but there were too many random distances involved. A member from Team Liquid was also on scene. Their war dec has not yet gone live but that has not slowed them down from starting to fight.
So we jumped into the station and were told to go sit on the station.
We sat there.
This was our conversation from the time we jumped into system to the time we left. Our smack talk and all. Smack talk and its pros and cons and it terribleness and nonterribleness has been a bit of a hot topic.
[07:02:54] Diziet Thomas > warp to station
[07:03:29] Sugar Kyle > channel fail, whoops :D
(it was not a channel fail, he was just letting them know we were there since we had failed to grab the earlier engagents. Might as well come in with a sound.)
[07:03:30] Heribeck Weathers > load ammo
[07:03:48] einbahnstrasse > obviously not an eve uni graduate
[07:03:59] Sugar Kyle > /emote shooes everyone back into fleet chat
[07:04:01] Sugar Kyle > sorry peeeps :D
[07:04:23] Heribeck Weathers > no we would have to check all 7 hand books before warping if she was from eve uni
[07:05:03] Mane Frehm > hello Eve Uni. We mean you no harm; take us to your leaders
[07:05:16] Mane Frehm > oh wait...they're not here. Pity
[07:05:34] Shirralia > It's 8 in the morning you dumbass, why are you calling so early? -.-
[07:05:47] Diziet Thomas > kettle wasnt hot yet
[07:05:58] Heribeck Weathers > i hear that war decj mechanics are unfair and we should be taking GCC on you, im sorry we are to good
[07:06:11] Mane Frehm > Excellent. Someone who doesnt follow the rules about talking in local. Convo me; you have pirate potential
[07:07:07] Lala Zateki > ^ lol
[07:07:29] Heribeck Weathers > dont talk in local, its how they steal you sec status
[07:07:49] Mane Frehm > untrue (as you can tell by my fine sec status)
[07:07:59] Heribeck Weathers > and i know thats worth more than plex to uni
[07:08:00] Shirralia > It kinda baffles me why you arrive here when we are like 10 people awake in the uni.
[07:08:12] Shirralia > What did you think was going to happen? We would just undock and say hello?
[07:08:12] Sugar Kyle > you do know that eve is a gloabl game right?
[07:08:18] Sugar Kyle > and people like... well... are up at all hours?
[07:08:30] Mane Frehm > oh - sorry...we'll just have to adjust our lives to fit your schedule. No problem
[07:08:32] Shirralia > I do indeed. I just said goodnight to a corpmate
[07:08:38] Sugar Kyle > okay, just curious
[07:08:47] Sugar Kyle > your surprise was rather great
[07:08:50] Sugar Kyle > that people were still awake
[07:08:55] Sugar Kyle > and maybe playing the game...
[07:09:06] Sugar Kyle > but we have more peeps to kill elsewhere
[07:09:11] Sugar Kyle > that are also awake :)
[07:09:13] Sugar Kyle > have a good evening
I got a bit irritated. I have a pet peeve about people focusing on their own little slice of the planet when in game. The reason we are roaming now and out to fight now is because we are awake now. There is nothing stupid about the fact that we come and look for fights.
This irritates me a bit less then people who take issue with others not having a native grasp of English. English is a second or even third or fourth language for many people. One can not immediately jump all over them for poor English abilities when you don't even know where they are coming from. Plus, lets insult people who are fluent in multiple languages. Brilliant.
I also feel that one can not bitch that people come out to play in their time zones.
A cloaky eve uni pilot was hanging out in the next system over. We expected that and warped to our out gate. It was time for a quick brb for people as the fleet broke down and resembled with people who had logged on since we headed out.
Then we noticed combat probes on scan... that led to this commentary...
[07:16:20] Sugar Kyle > we're on teh Audesder gate
[07:16:26] Sugar Kyle > Unless you are just practicing
[07:16:28] Sugar Kyle > at 0
[07:17:21] Diziet Thomas > the really unfortunate thing about that plan is someone has to warp in and get point which is kinda a bad play
[07:18:02] Una Thea > I'LL STAND STILL, I PROMISE
[07:18:11] Sugar Kyle > you are orbiting the gate
[07:18:13] Sugar Kyle > lying is impolite
(he was orbiting the gate)
Fleet commander gave the order to jump.
Oh well... Back to roaming.
Playing with bubbles.
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