Today, I decided to be bold and try to do some of the anomaly hanging around the system. I scanned one down that had no escalations. I pulled up the guide on it and it seemed like it was something I should be able to do with a battle cruiser and a logi.
Frigs, cruisers, battle cruisers a few battleships. They were in 5 spawns. The spawns were triggered by killing the highest bounty/biggest ship. I figured with spawn management I'd be fine.
It didn't work out that way for me.
I landed in the anom, got aggro from the NPCs and landed my logi. I rolled my logi off of me to keep her out of the way of future spawns. With reps running I puttered about popping frigs -> cruisers -> battle cruisers and as I popped the 2nd to last battle cruiser with plans to clean up the battleships from low to high, the 2nd spawn hit.
I was mildly worried. I cleaned up the battle cruisers and turned to the frigs that had just reached range. Happily, I popped a few. The DPS was rather high but my reps were steady and rolling in. Then I got webbed. I webbed and popped the webbing rat and then got scrammed.
Then I got webbed again.
That is when I said calmly to my corp, "I am going to die."
I webbed and popped the stuff holding me down. I broke free, hit warp, and blew up just before it disengaged.
In corp chat, "Damn. I went to make a sandwich. Do you need me to tank it?"
"No. I'll just try to get my wreck."
Not my smartest decision.
So, down two ships, I swallow my pride enough to ask him to clear the anom for me. My pride does get in my way. Normally, I just die quietly in the depths of space and slink away, embarrassed at my inability to do PvE activities. Sometimes, some people (Ender) are sweet enough to laugh at my loses from looking at the corp kill log. Pleasant really, when that happens.
It seems the anom did not agree with the walk through about how it was going to spawn.
Ahh well.
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