Just as I landed the cane warped off to a safe. Damn it. We bounced to gate and stations to try to catch him. He moved from safes and stations, docked and undocked. However, there are two gates in the system and we had both covered.
It tookk him a few minutes to make a run for it. He headed for the gate. I jumped before he landed and started to orbit the gate. My corpie, in a drake sat on the other side. When the cane jumped, he jumped into me. He was actually twenty away when he uncloaked. That was almost unfortunate for me. However, I had a long point on.
I tackled him and bumped him and set my drones on him. The drake jumped in and my other corpmate had reshipped and jumped as he aggressed me. The cane decided to deagress and try for the gate. That didn't work out for him and he exploded.
A fourth corp mate was in system. He was watching a rupture and waiting for a local spike. I was waiting for the ruppy to land on me to assist the cane, but he decided not to. Ahh well. We gave it a few more and then jumped back into the system to clean up the wrecks.
The boys gave GF over local. To bad Eve Uni is not allowed to respond back. We give them props for coming down in a small group like that.
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