The group that we have been poking with sticks finally had a CTA and poked back. They have taken Sov in the chunk of null next to the lowsec system they have been sitting in. The boys went in and dropped a tower to get a fight. Get a fight they did. Sadly, they didn't make it back out.
It looks like they held their own at first but as the other group reshipped and their numbers increased until they took everyone down.
Then they took down one of the large towers one of the alliance corps had up. When I logged in a few of the guys were hanging around harassing the edges of their fleet which had grown to over 60 people with more jumping in.
It was to be expected. We'd been getting away with a lot for the last few weeks. They are a thousand person alliance. Eventually, we were going to get beaten with the whelp stick. I don't see it stopping us. I know that many are of the opinion that pirates are cowards and the moment they get spanked they will go find easier targets.
I find that statement to not fit the people that I run with.
This rolls back to something I was debating discussing yesterday, but could not bring to light in anything but a boring mental ramble. This may still be one, but at least it is related to something.
I had a conversation with someone from nullsec the other day and my killboard came up. I am proud of my killboard. Not in an isk efficiency or badass way. More in a 'I get out and pewpew like I say I do way'.
I was told that my killboard was not impressive. It was random mayhem without reason.
I guess that is what low sec pewpew is. I won't even use piracy to describe it, because its not. Its about PvP and the fighting. We don't have sov to fight over. We do what we do. It's going into the crazy fights and sometimes dying and sometimes pulling out amazing things. As I often hear from the boys, "It was a good fight" and there is their satisfaction. It is not even a win or lose thing all the time.
There is frustration in losing. I won't try to cover it with glitter and say there is not. However, its not all about the win and lose which creates a deeper and more constant enjoyment.
There is understanding. Eventually, numbers will drag you down. You can fight and lose. Not everything will be your day. These things have been hard for me to learn. At first I dipped in my toes and then my foot and pulled back when my ankle got hot. Then you slide in slowly but steadily. The heat feels good but it also burns. Pulling back leaves more dissatisfaction then adapting to the changes. You start to crave the heat until you have sunk down to your chin and bask there.
Eventually, you dive all the way under water.
Embracing low sec has not been easy for me. Sometimes, I wonder why we do what we do. Yet, as I do more I learn that its about the good fight.
I like that.
I like that more then the winning and losing. It is more then the killboard efficiency. It is more then the bragging rights.
It is creating the content that I want to play. The risk aversion has not shed. It is not always a comfortable ride to be on.
As for the boys.. they are not licking their wounds. Instead, they are running around in stealth bombers chewing away at the pack of 70 taking the tower down and enjoying themselves. It sucks to lose the tower but this is Eve online.
Everything is at risk.
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