One of my alliance mates had an interesting tangle today where he had a fleet of Eve Uni members attempt to take on his Maelstrom. It did not go that well for that fleet, although he said that two of them did make it off the field.
For others of us, here we sit in a familiar scene. This is station camping I guess. It seems to be the inevitable outcome lately. We are sitting here. Now and then the station disgorges a frigate or cruiser. We try to kill it. Because we are terrible at station camping we don't have an instalock anything with our fleet. It is a rather hit or miss practice with lots of cheering and booing as we lock and miss.
This is not how the mediocre fleet started or why it was formed. The fleet name was in fact given birth by a comment after it was formed. Before this moment, it was just us logging in and fleeting up to go visit the war front for a little while.
Today, we are defined as a medicore fleet because of this:
The mediocre quality consisted of four drakes, three canes, a harby, a keres, and two scimies. With twenty four people in local we decided to bring along logistic to help extend the fights and balance everything. However, one of the Eve Uni rifters also shot the Eve Uni Talos so I guess we had a rifter on our side as well.
It didn't quite work that way.
The War has not been as eventful as expected after the chest beating and 'come at me bro's' tossed around. Of late, we jump into system and they dock up. We've been cutting our fleet in half sometimes. They have taken booty shaking classes in an attempt to up their appeal. We were told that we come at the wrong times to fight. Sadly, our lives can not be dictated and I'm unable to avoid going to work so that I can log on at a more convent time. We work with what we have.
I'm not sure we are doing this right. We keep having to wander off on our normal roams to find fights. In fact, business is as normal, if not calmer now that they won't come out of the station. I'm a little puzzled.
Anyway, after the fight we were accused of dropping 12-24 ships.
While amusing, no, we dropped 4. The rest of the fleet warped in. We did burn him down. I'm not sure what is expected when you are running around in an ewar cruiser. We keep trying to jump into system and get fights. If we spike local, we are not getting anything. The 'battles' are all being played on top of the station these days.
Why did we drop anyone?
Why not is really the question.
Also, we had ten people counting the 4 that dropped in.
However, as we landed on grid people started to scatter. Grabbing points and shooting whatever could be shot became important. We had a ridiculousness moment when the Talos was called a Naga and people kept going "What Naga? What Naga?"
The blackbird was immediately taken down. Then the Naga aka THALOS was shoot as was the Tempest. The Tempest deaggressed so we put a bit of focus into it, losing a handful of frigates we might have been able to shoot.
Ahh the moments. After we were done, we tried some frigate chasing. They'd often just warp off or dock. We also tried pod grabbing, but the damn things are hard to lock and fast.
We stayed however. After all, someone else might come out. We chased the people sitting off of the station, probed out and popped a blackbird, nailed a thorax, and in general attempted to have epic battles.
Some Tuskers were also in system and managed to have a little fight near the Bosena gate. We also tried to hop into that but they took care of business before we could get on grid.
Thanks to our incredibly short attention span we heard that there was a Reha next door so we ran that way to see if we could find it.
Edit to add:
We didn't get the Reha, but we were able to steal the large caldari tower that they were unanchoring and pop the mammoth. :D Win!
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