This time I undocked and got nailed on the undock. The covops frig is made of kisses and hope. I had a 'wtf' moment as her pod warped off. Then I saw red and undocked Sugar to beat some ass.
However, they were gone and my wreck was unlooted. I pulled my sisters launcher out of the wreck and kissed it. The damn things are expensive to lose as often as I lose them.
I hopped to my home system and sent my alt off to buy and fit herself another covops frig. I'd run out of them at home (paper, sneezes, etc). I then thought about why I'd gotten ganked and what I had done wrong.
Or more, specifically, how I missed the dude that ganked me.
As my alt made her way to buy her stuff her mailbox flashed. Puzzled, I looked at it.
How cute. A survey from the people that had popped her asking me how my ganking went.
Then I noticed the tag line at the end with their corpname and I laughed. It explained why I had missed the ganker.
They are blue to me. They are blue to my alt. My alt, it seems, was not blue to them.
We have an interesting balance with this corp. It is one of two that we are blue with tha tis not in our alliance. They normally run level 5 missions but of late it seems they have developed a piracy division. I support this.
Ganking happens. I opened up a convo. I think he was hoping for tears. Instead, I answered the survey, blew him a kiss and asked for them not to gank my alts anymore while we were doing the blue thing.
In my other window, one of their members in system with Sugar goes 'Oh."
I wasn't angry. Ganks happen. I was pleased that I figured out what I had missed in that situation. In that situation, my own blues were the only ones in system when I undocked. We try not to kill each other. Because they are blue to my corp and not my alliance, sometimes things happen. Both sides understand this. However, we never purposefulness hunt them and the alliance ignores them when we are in fleet with them.
Still, shit happens.
They set my alt blue and apologized. I told them no worries and no apologies needed. Exploding ships is what we do. It hadn't occupied to me that they didn't realize the toon was mine.
Plus my launcher dropped.
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