The first was a comment on the incorrect gender selection to a bounty payout notification eve-mail. I received a response the other day that said:
Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. I will see to it that this gets fixed.
This petition will now be closed. Fly safe!
Best regards,
GM Ninjapirate
The EVE Online Customer Support Team
Flush with my success, I decided to attempt another one. This time, I was looking at the big picture. I thought I had a bug. I'm not sure that has ever happened to me before. It caused a lot of personal excitement.
There is one particular Mag site that spawns improperly. The site has 4 cans. Each can is surrounded by 4 NPC pirates. However, one can spawns blue wrecks instead of the NPC pirates. It has done this for a few months now, after a patch.
I wrote up the bug report on it, where it was, the name of the site, what time I was doing it, the behavior of it, etc.
The response came back. It old me to clear my cashe because that can cause problems.
I'm not sure how my cashe can cause the games NPCs to not spawn, but instead spawn as WRECKS that are set to free for all (blue). That is a lot of power on the clients side.
I will enjoy my easy to access can and loot the wrecks I didn't waste ammo on.
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