A side effect of becoming more comfortable in my game is that I am pushing back a bit when people want me to do things that I do not wish to do.
Someone wanted me to stop the press and train interceptors so that we could go on interceptor roams. I said that I was not interested. I planned to learn interceptors but I was working on BC 5 -> Assault Ship 5 -> Interceptors. I have my priorities based around my normal game play. I fly my Jag much to much not to finish it up to level 5.
I'm also not interested in this particular person being my FC at the moment. He pushed. I growled. He pushed some more, and I wound up cursing him out. I'm rather sensitive to the lack of skills that come along with being new. I think I'm managing to putter along pretty well. Yet, everything is yet another skill that I need to max out and there is only but so much time in the day to level things. He backed off and suggested that we play with them some on sisi before they attempt to drag me off to null and get me killed having 'fun'. I had a discussion with him about the fact that his idea of 'fun' and my idea of 'fun' are not very compatible things.
Yet, it is not all about me. One of the main FC would love for me to get into a battleship sooner rather then later. I'm not very interested in getting into a battleship yet. I'm very much addicted to ships with a higher agility factor. It also means I have to spend a month to get my large guns to 5.
I had promised myself a bit of a break from the long skill training that I had been doing to putter around and clean up some of the shorter ones that I also need to do. I've become very addicted to my core and support skills. They make a huge difference and I have plenty to work on still.
Plus, battleships are slow.
It's a decision making process that is not perfect. There is 'what I want to do' and there is 'what I need to do'. My wants are the fun, happy things that make my game a pleasure. The needs are the things to get me there along with stuff that is not just about me.
Such as getting into a battleship to corp/alliance level things.
But I also have the things that I want to do to enjoy myself in the immediate 'right now'.
There is so much talk about not trusting people in Eve. While it is true, there are also people that you come to trust. I guess you can play the game alone and fearful of everyone. Back in January, I commented that I was not allowed to talk in local due to my corp choice. That person was worried about wardecs. He said that if the corp was deced he'd go inactive for a few months. That did not leave me feeling warm and fuzzy. Now, everyone welcomes the wardecs and cheers for there being more possible battles.
There has been a lot to think about...
Oh, we scored a spot in the alliance tournament. I, thankfully, am not needed to participate. That is much to much for me.
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