We decided that we should go and try a frig roam up to a static plex. It is kind of the frig meeting spot. The street light at the corner, if you wish.
Before this, however, we undocked and shot at each other. I was owned, instantly. It is like throwing small pebbles at the ocean. I just kinda floundered as he beat me down. He stopped at structure. I just lay there in space, or floated, however you want to describe it. If I wanted to develop an ego this type of situation would crush it nicely for me. The benefit was that I was unable to undock my Oni and play with my reps.
Two reps to 100%. I ran it for 5 minutes or so with all 4 reps rolling to keep a steady 45-50% cap. Nice. I still need to top off the repair skills to five. But, with this small experiment, I think there is some quality to my logistics abilities now.
"I'm in my snake clone."
"You didn't say you were in your snake clone."
"I'm always in my snake clone. If I'm not, I'm in my slave clone."
Ahh, bickering. There is running your high grade clone for a battle and there is running a high grade clone to fuck around in. Since we fully expect to return to system in our pods, it is not a time to toss the expensive clones into the mix.
We dropped into system and started wandering around trying to find someone or get someone to find us. A little bit of ratting later, an Exequror landed on our one guy at the plex. He called us. However, the entire pack was scattered around belts trying to get some action. We immmedately went into warp to him but we were not fast enough.
"Oh, I'm going down."
"You sure?"
"Shoot his drones. Ouch." We were all over the place and as we started landing on grid, he popped.
We land and establish point. I start targeting him to scram and the drones to take them out. Everything is going fine. The Jag that he is engaged is heading down as well. "This is hurting. Overload." Target, burn, overload, target drones, shoot them, no shoot him instead... decisions.... decisions...
Next thing I know, I'm soaring off into the distance not shooting a damn thing....
To many clicks.... to much excitement... to fast with the MWD (Micro Warp Drive)...
He exploded. My efforts in this battle were not as effective as they should have been. I swung back and nabbed my corpmates wreck and then slid into a deep safe to wait out my GCC. With 22 seconds left on my station timer, I made the brilliant decision to go and drop stuff off at a station. A thrasher had come into system. I don't like exploding with a hold full of loot. I warped to the station and docked with 2 seconds to spare. This reset my station timer to 15 minutes.
"Thrasher on the gate." I undocked and headed to the gate. As I hit warp the station started to lay into me. My shields vanished. Sigh... I was armor tanked. However, I like my shields. That's a few more hits I can take. I landed on the fleet just as the thrasher warped off. Disgruntled, I went into my deep safe to let my shields regen.
"Brutix on the gate."
"I'm heading there."
"You are going to land on 0 on him."
"I thought you said he was on you.
"Shit. I'm landing on him"
He managed to burn off. The Brutix warped off. So we started snatching the abandoned drones. This led to a hysterical conversation in local where I named the drone 'Tonka' and took him to a rehab facility so that he would not turn into a rogue drone and lead to a Sansha Incursion.
I love it when people engage in local. Pewpew does not have to be nasty just because people explode. We played with the brutix some more. My corpmate had reshipped and we were now wolf/wolf/wolf/jag. However, the Brutix pilot was good and having melted one of us earlier, it was a delicate balance between us being able to take him down and him eating all of us with a side dish of giggles.
Eventually, he left. We hung around and hoped someone else would come play with us. A thrasher landed twice but took off before we could do anything. This had a side effect...
We rolled around and around and around and eventually the boys started to canabalize each other. One moment I'm idly chasing one of my fleet members around in a lovely game of orbit...
The next I'm scramed, neuted, and being shot by another fleetmate. I called him off me. However, two of the guys started to engage each other. Wolf/Jag fight happened. Stop was said. Stop was ignored. The Jag exploded. We shook our heads over the entire thing.
"You gave the Exequror/Brutix pilot a killmail."
"No way!"
"That's why I don't fight that deep with frigs."
"I said stop!"
"I did stop!"
Ahh... boys...
While the Jag pilot went to reship we decided to run the plex. Nothing shiny popped for us. To bad.
We decided to do an anomaly because we were bored. About halfway through it we found a firetail to start to chase. Chase it we did. We chased him around and around and around for about 20 minutes. At one point I was 5k out of scram range when he took off. Sigh.
Bored, we went home. There will be more to do later, hopefully.
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