Anyway, you can die in Eve as you die in every game. Instead of being revived or whatever through voodoo magic or super powers, your mind is transferred into a waiting clone moments before your pod explodes. The clone in the pod dies. However, we're not attached to that clone (only we were because the implants oh noes...).
Your new clone is you. It sits in a medical bay at a station you choose. If you are silly, and do not choose one, you may wind up on the other side of the game from where you live.
Anyway, there are grades of clones. Your clone can only hold but so many of your skillpoints. A higher grade (read more expensive) clone carries more skillpoints.
"Why not just buy the most expensive clone and be done with it?"
Because they cost ISK and if you get Podded you have to upgrade it again. Skillpoints take a while to accumilate. Picking your clone is 100% your choice, but you need to remember to do it.
Enter my Aura application for my Android phone. I love this thing.
It gives me clone out of date notifications. So nice. I notice it and upgrade my clone when I next log in. It keeps pinging them at me until the clone gets updated.
Eve's third party apps are often worth the time. Look into some.
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