Beyond that, we haven't been doing to badly. I shipped up into the hurricane finally. Only to find out that I couldn't fit some random things. I spazed a bit and realized that I couldn't fit my T2 neuts. A day and a half of training and that was corrected. Then I needed my ewar drones. Well I needed drones 5 to use the drones. What I didn't realize was that I needed Electronic Warefare 4 to inject the skillbook. Ahhh, thing after thing after thing after thing. This is why people get intimidated by Eve's skill program.
The pewpew went very well over the weekend.
We started with a little gatecamp in null. This was different then one in low sec because we can have someone with the mobile bubble. This puts me on the side of using the bubble to pewpew people. They are helpless and their pods are trapped when they land in them. I can't say I enjoy using bubbles because I don't. However, its a valid and highly used game mechanism and one I need to get over my personal distaste for.
Eve often challanges the views of honor and such that we are taught to function in society by removing them from our gameplay and handing us tools to use. Do you play the game or play by your personal moral code that you use for real living? It is part of the learning curve of the game in its own way.
I had more thoughts but I was side tracked by someone posting a bounty on me. It is only for 5k but I'm so amused I can't finish the rest of the thoughts that I had.
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