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Corp Change Again

It is seven in the morning and I just got home from work. Eve is still down due to their latest update. The daily downtime was extended quite a bit. Frustrating but not a big deal. Today, I don't get to go to bed for another six or so hours anyway. I blog instead as I eat my breakfast and debate my Eve life.

I've healed from my butt hurt. I'm still a bit sad but I'm mending fences. Shit happens. While I was super sore from it, my pirate boyz invited me to their corp. It's a big deal for me. I'm super new and not very skilled out. They are a small PvP group and they kick ass at what they do. They are willing to teach me and I am willing to learn.

My ship skills are poor which limits me. They decided to do a small frigate gang and we went off and had a bunch of fun and made a nice stack of kills. I got direction and started to learn strategy and reasons behind what is going on. It's good stuff. I'm blood thirsty I admit. We didn't run off and camp a gate and wait for the helpless. We engaged other people that live in low sec and they came back at us with bigger things and lets say that it got ugly but shit got taken care of. Its predator vs predator and I admit I enjoy not being prey. My corp is well established and I mesh well with them. I'm happy.

Does this mean I am an awful PvP Pirate? Maybe a little bit but not really. I still spend a lot of time in high sec. In fact, I spend a lot of time being social and seeing who I meet.

There is an element of danger to doing anything with strangers (and sometimes known people) in Eve. I speak about the paranoia constantly and it sounds unreasonable but it really isn't. I listened to a newer player, around my game time, ranting and raving because they had salvaged level 4 missions for hours and shoved it all into one barge which was ganked on the way to the trade hub and they lost all of their salvage, around 120mil isk. It was the most money they had ever made in game at once and it was gone in a poof.

I bring it up because I decided to mission with someone I had casually chatted with over a few days in an open room. They were in the next system over so I decided to go and help out with their level 4 missions for something to do in the morning. There is always that chance that the person is just luring you over for some easy lulz and tears. I fly a ship that costs 30-40 mil depending on where I buy it. Plus fittings and drones, maybe its about 50mil in ship. Not that much these days and replaceable as well as not an exciting thing to put up on the kill boards. Since I really hate missioning by myself I decided to go forth and make a new friend.

It was a bit rough at first and they lost a ship a bit before I got there. However, we chatted and I told them what my fit was for. With a few bits of communication we started eating through the rooms. Someone was impressed with my drone abilities. I was flattered I do admit. I play with players who have been playing for years. I spend a lot of time feeling inadequate around them so playing with someone newer is an interesting experience, especially someone that has not focused on drone skills. All of my normal fleet members are all maxed out all over the place. I got to use my logistic skills for real to keep them alive. It was a lot of fun. I even got a mil out of it which was cool and unexpected.

Beyond that, I've been working the last few nights so I have not had time to mission. I have turned my time to doing other things to make isk. I've been selling things out of the LP (loyalty point) store for the faction that I mission for. This has created a nice, daily profit of about a million isk. Yesterday afternoon I broke 900 million. Today, I'd like to break into my first Billion.
Gallente space is pretty.

Two months ago, making 100k isk was an incredible feat. I then moved to the point where I could pull in a bit over a million. Then it was easily 10-15 a day with some sweat and work. For now, I doubt I'll be able to make 100 mil every day that I play, but so far I'm managing to create isk here and there. It's great. I may not get the best rates that I can get but frankly, I'm high on the instant gratification.


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