My Brutix is my mission boat at the moment. I don't have a battle ship yet and it will be a while until I get one. Plus, I'm useful as I gnaw around the edges of the big ships and take out the frigates. I've commented before that big ships may kick ass but they are not the be all and end all of the world. Big ships have problems hitting small ships. This is where I come in.
While the big boys are doing damage, they get attacked by swarms of little frigates that are to small for them to easily track and lock. I go after these ships and chew them to pieces while moving fast enough that the big enemy ships have a hard time focusing on me.
Its a balance game and a fun one.
Today's fleet for level 4 missions is this.
I love these co-op missions. Its ridiculousness. Bangs, boom, space, its fantastic. The depth and the size is as big as it seems to be. Its space and you are a very, very, very, small speck.
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