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CSM9 - Day 253

On Tuesday, Proteus will be released. It is the quickest and smallest release since the new cadence started. CCP Seagull’s dev blog from December 19th, 2014 covers the features. An In Development video starring CCP Rise goes over the various points of the release. The patch notes for Proteus have also been updated.

It was noticed that fighters had been changed on the test server. I urged CCP Fozzie to share the exact reasons for the change because there was confusion about what and why. This was not about the current debate over fighter assist. CCP Fozzie said:
"The primary goal of this change is to ensure that rapidly scooping and relaunching fighters and fighter bombers never gives a dps advantage. This practice has not been widespread thus far, but any possible advantage gained this way would both provide imbalanced DPS and cause significant server load so we want to nip it in the bud."
For those that have been involved in discussions about the current use of assigned fighters, CCP Fozzie goes on to say:
"I know that some people who are hoping for a major nerf to assigned fighters will be unhappy that this change will only have a small-moderate effect on that activity. We have been keeping a close eye on the way fighters are used ever since our recent rounds of drone rebalancing and we aren't ruling out any potential future changes at this time. However we are not going to rush into any larger changes to fighter mechanics."
 Thoughts and concerns on both sides of the fighter usage argument have come to the CSM and it is something that has been discussed. As CCP Fozzie says, there is not yet anything decided for the future of fighter assist.

Don't forget about the module change! CCP Terminus has been active in the thread related to the dev blog.

The new anoms for newbie systems to keep the Veldspar flowing are being released. I'd like to see how this plays out. Those of us involved in working with the new players in Rookie Chat brought forward the problem of the belts emptying and new players trying to find the ore they needed to mine. I'll be hanging out in chat and seeing how this fix shapes up.

The recon rebalance comes with Proteus as well. New asteroid environments will surprise those not expecting it and the Exequror's new symmetrical model has warp animations. The small size of this release has disappointed some but this was work finished before or done over the holidays.

The Eve Community put aside its game differences and stepped forward to help a fellow player. Thomas plays as DGSix_Kado and he stepped forward and asked the Eve Community to assist him in going to Fanfest 2015. He received a speaker slot from CCP Manifest and he wishes to speak to and of the community that has been an important part of his life. He has been in contact with CCP Manifest which is expressed in the reddit thread. His corporation mates also took to the forum to support him. It is a community that he will be leaving before he is ready to due to a diagnoses for a terminal illness. Within twenty four hours his goal was surpassed and people have added a bit on top. This is the core of why the Eve Community is as powerful as it is.

Last weekend I had my interview with Cap Stable for CSMX. It went live on Tuesday and can be found here for those who wish to listen in. I have been asked a few times when the election will be. They will be at the end of February and the announcement at Fanfest in March. The official call for candidates where passports are sent in and the official list released will come from CCP Leeloo at the end of January.

The Winter Summit starts on the 20th. I've gotten through a lot of my prep work. I've sorted and filed mail and topics. I've been receiving wonderful and detailed eve-mails from both my queries and players who wish to bring topics to attention. I can already feel the minutes needing to be typed.

I will be hijacking Eve Uni Public Mumble today at 1500 and 2200 GMT for my Open Q&A. I have to get my forum access fixed so that my talks can be properly documented on their forum and calendar. I'll be trying to collect last minute thoughts for the summit and chatting about Eve as we so often do.

Corbexx and I are trying to sort out a few more soundboards. We'd like another one for structures with some more focus and one for new players. Right now we are trying to sync up with the development teams as they come back into the office and get these scheduled. Right now it looks like they will be after Summit.

On the local outreach level, We've planning a get together in February for those in the MD/VA/DC area.

There have been some interesting and passionate discussions on Skype and we managed to slot in a meeting as well. The development teams are filtering back into the office and things should start ramping back up with the Winter Summit approaching and Fanfest right around the corner in March. It is rather amazing to realize that it has only been eight months since CSM9 came into office and so much has been done and changed in that time. It's been a busy session already and it looks like there is plenty more to come.


  1. I know this is very nitpicky, so I urge you to weight it accordingly. Diagnoses don't kill people. Unless they are wrong in a fatal way.


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