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Showing posts from 2018

The Charm of the Familar

With a few picked up a shifts at work due to the holidays. I pondered logging in but I didn't have the energy to do so. Being able to say no to logging in is pleasant. Just as my youngest puppy interrupts me every fifteen minutes to pee, going to sleep instead of staying up is also pleasant. I had a lot of short slept nights when I was active in a corporation. My next plan has been to learn how to scan again. The new map is in and I need to refresh my scanning skills. My hold is full of probes. My ship appears to be reasonably set up. I remembered how to hit my F key to cloak. In fact, I hit it a bit to fast. I need to get the ebb and flow of the tic back down. I am also rusty in my paranoia. I idly switch to another window to research breadbowls and the soup I want to make later. Then I remember I am sitting, decloaked, off of a gate somewhere. Whoops. I did figure out a breadbowl recipe and soup as well. The question was where do I relearn to scan? I need somewhere off the

Skill Points when you need them

Sugar has 125 million skillpoints. I stopped celebrating my skillpoint achivements with the skill point changes. I was rather bitter about them. Now, a bit further removed I don't disagree with them as much but I do not like them. However, I can admit that I felt their lure. When fitting my most amazing NOW CLOAKING WHEN WARPED Stratios the other day I put in the t2 mid-slot analyzer thingy. I couldn't fit it. My first reaction was, "How could this be?" then I remembered that Sugar was never my scanning character. There are holes in her training. Muttering, I opened the requirements tab of the analyzer and saw that it was a level 5 requirement. I was at level 4. It would be 4 days to train. That went against my do stuff now mindset. I found myself about to give in and buy skillpoints when I realized there had been another line when I looked at the requirements. I had forgotten a very simple thing. I had unallocated skillpoints. I have collected them, passively,

Warping when Cloaked

So... I went and got my pretty new ship. I got a skin for it. It was amazing. I fit it incorrectly and am happy with that. I undocked. I chuckled to myself for never getting proper undocks and I warped off and discovered I cannot warp while cloaked.  I was like what? What did I get wrong? I thought this was the ship for me. I booed and I hooed and I was quite distraught. I logged on this evening and somewhere in the depths of my brain I said, "CovOps Cloak". As that oozed around my slender understanding I crept back and checked the cloak I had installed. An improved cloaking device. Whoops. Back to the market I went. I peeked at my ship to check my idiot status. It seems it was rather low and my ship could in fact warp while cloaked. Overjoyed I switched out my cloak and took back off into the darkness. Now I am one whole jump over but I'm very pleased with that one jump.

Crystal Blast Stratios

What a pretty ship. My tastes have always been simple. I like the color blue. This would be perfect in blue and white instead of blue and black but it is near perfect and so sweetly, blue. How does one fit a ship? One of the things I shed early in my Eve career was fitting my own ships. I'm not a min/max type of person and I dove into a PvP environment where my actions effected others. That gave me a responsibility to fit the 'best' way. In the end, I never learned how to fit ships in Eve on a deep, personal level. I am not interested in fitting tools or maximum stats. They are important in the game of Eve but not important to me. But the habits run super deep. Looking at ship fitting makes me twitch. Not because I cannot put a ship together but because what I am inclined to do probably won't be the right thing and way. Then the memory of mockery and being paraded before others and mocked for ignorance tickles at me. It is my constant love hate with Eve.

It may be time to join Signal Cartel

The last time I took a screenshot was November 12th, 2017. I didn't notice until I looked for the one today. It also changed my entry into this post, but what is a girl to do? I logged in to look at Stargates. After I left the CSM, I had to leave Twitter. Twitter is easy to fall into when you have people to talk to. I checked it regularly and I was in such a habit of checking and commenting and answering and responding that I had to remove it from all of my devices and force wean myself from the habit. The side effect is that now I do not check twitter very much, and when I do I'm reminded of the fun people that kept me playing Eve. Today, it was just me and my Diplomatic Shuttle out to look at Stargates. My Jaguars have been irreparably broken by CCP and loaded with missiles. In case anyone wondered, I have missile skills. I simply refuse to use them. My Jaguars will forever sleep with their turrets loaded. I shall kiss them goodbye and turn out the hangar lights. Tim

My Skill Queue went empty

The thing I miss most is having mail. When I log in I often check that line to see if I have mail. Unfortunately, I do not. I am not surprised. There is no reason for me to have mail. Yet, I do miss it. In some ways having regular eve-mail was the moment that I was most connected. I had people to talk with and engage in. It was the closest I've ever been to having a normal social level that I was comfortable with. This shows you how introverted I am that eve-mail filled up my social meter.  I log in and look around. Normally, I am looking for the people that I do not have other social contacts with. It is very, very easy to lose those relationships. The binding glue of the game has dissolved and friendship, as an adult, can take work. Even in this information time. Eve gave me things to talk about. Without it, I remember that I don't talk very much. Unless it is about dogs and driving my co-workers crazy when people come to me for advice they won't follow. Since

The lack of perfection

I had the pleasure of having Keskora Yaari . We met a bit after I started the CSM and hit it off. As friendships often do it developed into being about the people and not the medium that we met each other in. My new house has a guest room (my previous one was taken over by my mother who moved in and never moved out) and it was fun to have someone in that I could babble about a large part of my last six months of house renovations. I tried to pamper and spoil her. Those are always the most fun things to do when a friend comes over. I did make sure she was stuffed full of local interesting things. It is only fair, after all. My abilities as a host have improved and I was pleased with myself. One of our interesting links, outside of Eve, is dogs. We are both dog people. Over my years blogging I have discussed and shared time my creatures. From the passing of Nyx to the acquisition of Intuition. He is doing great by the way. He is two and a half now! We discussed Eve some but it w

Will the real player please stand up?

I installed Eve on my Surface the other day. I then remembered why my last laptop, when I was playing Eve, was an Alienware gaming laptop. My Surface, wonderful creature that it is, runs Eve at such a tiny magnification that I squint to see it. I could change my settings and adjust for this. Instead, I'll stick to my desktop and try to remember to log in and see the latest round of changes. Yet, here I am writing. Deep in the muzzy field of my brain that has been working almost daily for the last six weeks, random thoughts bubble up. I may not log in and spend my time focusing on Eve as a world, but it hasn't slipped from me. I've picked up an amazing group of friends that I talk to daily and many of them still play enough that I skim the social edges. At times I'm angry that the same social problems exist. At others, I'm fascinating by the process. Today is a fascinating day because I've been answering e-mails. I still get e-mails occasionally from people

Personal Sagas

I think next weekend we'll finally have our townhouse for rent. Geesh, this has not been the smooth process I tried to plan for back in November. Also, I picked up a silly amount of overtime through the end of this month. I couldn't turn down the money but its complicated everything. Also, I have a new puppy and he does not believing in sleeping the night. However, Intuition is in love with having someone to play with nonstop. Autumn spends her time hiding under our chairs from the obnoxious boys. Will I ever finish my CSM saga. Yes. I really need several hours per post and right now my day is this: Get up at 0830 - Walk puppy. Play with puppy. Eat food. Make lunch for work 0930 - Go to work (some days I have to be in at 0830). 2230 - Get home from work 2232 - Walk puppy 2230-0000 - Play with puppy, make dinner, eat dinner, play with puppy, shower, climb in bed, fight for space from Inty and Autumn. Have Inty lay on my legs. Sleep. 0230 - Wake up to screaming puppy, ta


The last two months has been interesting. It is one of the first times in my life that I have been to busy to do extra things. I went to work and when I was not at work, I worked on my new house. Those days were often 12-14 hours long. When I went home, I also worked. There, I packed, cooked, or slept. Even my dogs started to wonder why I was no longer at home. The interesting part was that the mountain of work that I had before me was so high that I could not see the effort and time that went into it. The only time I did was when I tried to schedule other things in and fell off track. After that, it was exhaustion and the misery that comes with it that made me wonder if I had failed in my task or if I was so worn out that I was no longer doing a good job of looking at the situation. Last weekend we moved. The house is not done, but it is ready enough to move in. That has come with the next side effect of having to clean out our old home. Things of course went wrong and people have


Let me tell you, spending a month working on a house is exasperating. We closed December 21st. I ad five more days of work and then I took 3 weeks off. We've done a lot. Not as much as I had hoped but one does come across unexpected events while renovating. In some ways I'm horrified by how gross the previous owners were. There is so much cleaning and differed maintenance. The house is just drinking in the care. And the money. Yeesh. I'm back to my normal work schedule. Sadly, my free days are still spent at the house. We have the kitchen floor to finish and the half bath on the main floor before we can move in. Hopefully, we will be done those things by next weekend and we can finish packing and start the moving process. Of course, the side effect is that our current place needs to be cleaned up and we are going to try our hand at landlording. But, I'll wander back to writing and maybe poking my head into Eve again now that my schedule is starting to return to