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Stuff Spread

I had to run Chella to Rens the other day. I was building things and Rens happened to have a particular piece at a very good price. When she got there, to my astonishment, there was an Orca sitting in my hangar. And, I found myself staring at this Orca. This Orca in my hangar. It was a while until my lips moved and I asked myself, "Where did this come from?"

It turns out that I purchased that Orca in December. I did it as a favor to someone who needed ISK. I wanted another Orca for a project I was going to do over the winter. Instead, I ran for CSM and that project fell to the wayside and the Orca sat in its hangar under a dust cover until I stumbled upon it again.

My asset list needs cleaning. I used to clean it regularly. But, sometime over the last year or so I've fallen out of the habit. I got more and more into PvP and I just dumped things in stations as I went. That stuff has accumulated and it is not as bad as many others, it is still much, much messier than I'd like.

I don't have hidden billions tucked away in these stations. Mostly, its loot dropped and the occasional ship I've left after a roam. I never roamed back home, alone so I have many abandoned ships. The abandoned ships I don't mind. They become useful when the fleet loses a ship and you can just hand someone a fit out ship to keep the fleet moving. The cluttered stuff bugs me.

Right now I am torn between sending Chella to do pickups and writing cheap courier contracts to see if people pick them up. I would just dump stuff in the nearest high sec station....

Aside: In the middle of writing this I heard Exile curse on coms. It turns out that they had taken a wormhole chain (how we love these new wormholes) and wound up at the other end of an unbookmarked nullsec hole with no prober. I went out to do a rescue, backtracked their path and had the fleet warp to me to bookmark their exit. I then headed home. I love rescue missions.

...or write the contract to the nearest high sec system. Then I could putter about and collect it all. It may be a good  project for these exhausted days when I'm slumped in my chair to tired to participate in much. I don't trust myself to stock the store at those times. After winding up with five thousand small scorch crystals I've become more careful.


  1. Your screen shot has broken me. My slight OCD is screaming in agony.

    1. Agreed. I thought my assets list was messy, but that's even worse.

  2. Assets window > search tab > search text: category:ship

    Also other not complete documented filters that will help ALOT:

  3. I obviously need to do another clean up...back up over 130 stations with stuff stashed away :/

  4. LOL Mine has never been that bad but it got out of hand as far as I am concerned last year... and I spent a week making the trips, collecting, selling and consolidating down to just the 16 stations I find cover my needs.

    I have stuff at corp HQs of course, and stuff in all the major and minor hubs (always 2 stations, the hub itself and a 'safe' station nearby). My main ship and mod storage is still Amarr for some reason I cannot define... then there are the stations where I have locator agents and at least a BM named "Locator Agent #", I have quite a few of those and all in all that's my stuff... right now I have something like 5 or so stations where L&S dint sell and dropped back into station, but I usually do something about them when we pop a hole nearby.

    All the rest is in the hole and moves around with me... =]

  5. I have stuff in only three stations. I believe in liquid isk, obviously.

    Or I have a problem with cleanliness.


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