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TCS: The Problems of Independence

"Sugar, why are there no DCU on the market?" Dave asked.
"I'm on a trip and they didn't delist when I last checked on Saturday. But I have a whole cargo hold of stuff that needs to be listed that I haven't done since I'm out of town..."
Dave's question was not a complaint or a criticism. I have worked very hard to get people to say something to me when something is missing. That allows me to confirm, deny, or tell them that it is en route to relist. Eve Mentat misses some things on the market pull. It isn't a huge amount of things but it is enough that I've noticed it. I assume hiccups somewhere alone the line. I don't write raging posts about it because Eve Mentat is an amazing tool that allows me to do things I'd not be able to do without it. I also can't create it. Therefore, while I may acknowledge a glitch here and there I am thankful that someone took the time to make it. So, I use word of mouth or word of eve-mails to help make sure that everything is stocked.

Dave's question also represents the fact that Bosena is where people stop for their modules, first. Thunder made me smile all the way to bed the other day when he said, "Damn it Sugar, I am sick and tired of not having to go to Jita for things!" I have a lot of pleasure in how well Bosena runs and I am proud of it.

But I am also the weakest part of the link.

When things happen out of the ordinary my market tends to have hiccups. These are not huge, life shattering hiccups. Bosena may delist a few things but the bulk of it is still there. However, it is the moment when having someone else would be very nice. It is also a reminder that my market is linked to my mortality. Unless I change the world it will not persevere forever.

That means I need to change the world. I'm cool with that.

Bosena has reached a sustainable mass. I may need to invest more ISK into it to create a larger buffer than I currently have. I've avoided this because money tied up is money not growing. What I've done instead is constantly rolled the profits back into the store. Growth is dependent upon demand. However, it leaves little room for mortality issues such as I have had this weekend.

It is where a partner would come into place nicely. When I first started the market I shared with others, constantly. I also learned that I was a slave driver. My whip might create colored sprinkles but it was still a whip. I expect everyone around me to work to the standards I have imposed on myself and I am frustrated and puzzled when that doesn't happen. But the limiting factor of bringing someone else in is the complete trust involved.

I often discuss trust. It is a beloved topic of mine. I currently am sitting on sixteen billion ISK worth of construction materials for my capital ship corporation. As I'm writing this my alt in that corp is enroute to contract it over to the other member (it is in a container). I don't disbelieve in trust in Eve. But, something like the market as a corporation would mean bringing in people eager to do the market thing but who are not in my personal circle of trust.

Last night, on my Cap Stable interview, the topic of the corporation management came up. A better, more intuitive UI is important and also one that lets you do things with more transparency and greater flexibility. Corporations are entities in Eve and they have a lot of responsibilities and few ways to allocate said responsibilities. I'd love to see something that would allow me to bring someone into TCS without turning over the reigns of TCS at the same time. To change the world and spread my Cult the corporation management system moving to a useful, flexible utility from a horrific nightmare that causes night sweats, is going to be a key player.

Or so I think this early in the day. For now, the market is stocked and my alt is back in Jita to do the next supply run. Long live local markets.


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