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The Life and Times of Incompetent Cynoing

I'll come whine here about how terribly hard my life is. Utter trauma follows. Just terribleness. If I can recover from this intense woe and the bitter luck it will be a surprise.

I had everything so perfectly timed. I would light the cyno, do two jumps with my jump freighter and go and make dinner. There was myself and someone else in local. Then, as I eat I can stock Bosena which is well over due. I've been shipping things down there for a week but I've not gone down and stocked. Instead, I've been negligent and using my free time to be in fleets and work on some other projects instead.

Things where going pretty well. I had forgotten that I had shipped stuff down. Two trips would still cover it all. I got my jump freighter loaded in one window. In the other, I got Haibi loaded and ready to go. I undocked, warped off, and warped back to my cyno spot. As I did that, I undocked the Rhea. Once landed, I lit my cyno and went to jump my Rhea.

Cyno not found.

What? I peered at my Rhea pilot and saw that she was not in fleet. I had rejected my own fleet invite without noticing. Back to the other window I reinvite myself to fleet, accept, and then rebroadcast my jump beacon. Muttering, I jump, dock, unload my cargo, undock, and warp back to high sec.

In the other window, as I am staring at my jump freighter coming out of warp ever so slowly, my cyno pilot is killed and padded. I was not paying attention due to the hair raising event of my slow slide out of warp where I am sure that I will die every single time.

Damn it.

This time, I had her set to the right station next door in high sec. Last time she went back to her school system where she was born. However! I had learned from that experience. Thankfully, she was Minmatar at the time and running her back was only eleven jumps. Eleven inconvenient jumps. This time she was next door.

125k poorer to upgrade her 6M ISK beautifully market skilled clone, I sent her back to low sec. I sent her the one jump back to low sec. In the other window, my freighter pilot loads up the hulls she could not move last time and waits for her cyno.

I take the cyno pilot and plop her into another rookie ship. This is when I remember that she does not have cynosoural field theory trained to level IV. She cannot fit the ozone into a rookie ship without a expanded cargohold. That's not a big deal. I'll just get one. I don't find one in her hangar. That's fine, I'll just get one off the market. There are none avilable on the market.

Damn it! Who runs this market that they don't have expanded cargoholds on it? Oh yeah. I do. Damn. Damn. Damn. I hate not having corporate officers. I keep selling my own supplies. Okay, I can fix this. I look around my other alts that are logged in. Nothing. Right before I send her back to high sec I check the market order the freighter pilot had dumped off in the station but not traded over yet.

Expanded cargohold I and II. I'm amazing. So amazing.

Okay! I contract myself my stuff and get an expanded cargohold. I'm doing good now. I load up my liquid ozone, undock, warp off, warp to my cyno spot and notice my own wreck sitting there seeming to be unlooted. Oooh. Free stuff that was just mine? I putter the 4k over to it. Somewhere along the way I remember that I can look at my loss mail to see what dropped. However, I'm already moving so I just wait because let's continue to be sub-optimal. We're already on a roll.

In my wreck is my cyno and expanded cargohold. Hot damn. I wanted them! I then realized I had forgotten to fit a cyno onto my new ship during my quest to obtain an expanded cargohold. I then docked, dumped my ozone, and went back out, did my warps again, and came back. This time I landed on top of the wreck by some miracle. I greedily looted it and redocked. I fitted a cyno this time, undocked, warped off, warped back to my cyno position and lit my cyno.

My jump freighter jumped in. I then docked her, unloaded everything, and waited out my cyno cycle. I docked my cyno account. I decided not to take my jump freighter back to high sec. I was feeling a special type of incompetent today and something told me that pushing my luck would be bad. As in, no more undocking tonight.

Finally freed of my task, thirty minutes later then I expected to be, I went to start cooking. I promptly lost the cord for the fryer and had to find that. My husband asked me not to burn down the house. If I don't post anything in a few days... well... its his fault because he requested fried chicken for dinner.


  1. Gotta love those days.

    I must admit, when I read the title and the first two paragraphs, I was expecting to read a story about losing a JF to be honest. Turns out it wasn't that bad, good plan on keeping the JF in lowsec for the night, I hope you get it out safely :)

    1. I'm sure then intro would have to have a drowning warning for the contained tears if I had lost the JF.

  2. didn't lose the JF, seems like a win to me

  3. I don't know what you're upset about. That sounds like pretty much every time I log in. :-D


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