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CSM9 - Day 204

It does not feel that long ago that I was writing CSM9 - Day 7, and starting this project of documenting my time on the CSM. This week has been a quiet one for me. A good bit of that is my fault. I was in a class for work all week and then work on Saturday. That all limited my time on Skype and caused me to miss one of our meetings. I spent the evenings catching up. Fortunately, some interesting things have happened.

Eve Down Under happened this weekend. There was a keynote with several interesting bits. They revealed a new in game mapping system. Joystick support has been moved up to the ‘should be coming’ point, and a new trailer was released.

The new player sourced trailer is excellent. As a player it makes me go, “Hell yes!” Non players have been reacting well to it. It is technical enough to echo the game but clear and emotional enough to catch people. The assumption from non-players that this is acted scripts has been soundly squashed by Eve players as they come across it. It is a very interesting look into the assumptions people make about marketing.

I’ve been doing some answers on Reddit. Long, long answers. I’ve also made a new account to sit in rookie chat and help. CCP, the ISD, and the GMs have been busy but there are over two thousand people in the rookie channel. I’ve been dragging people out for 1 on 1 problem solving. I’m finding people are getting lost, very lost. I’m walking them back through their missions and through the systems they are in. I’m showing them DOTLAN and in general just giving them someone to lean on while they work through confusion.

Steve has done a slow roll of the ‘things’ project. The things project is an attempt to crowd source ideas and topics in such a way that people can vote and CCP can see the results. At the start of our term we discussed our desire to do this. Steve was waiting for SSO so that people would have to log in for their voting. With that done he let its existence be known in a few places and went from there. Now, however, I’d like to give it a bit more exposure.

I have also asked Steve to give me a section for War Decs as I seek to pool and work through all of the excellent feedback, thought, and opinion that I have been receiving on this subject. With the Winter Summit two months away, I need to make sure I am prepared and to do that, I need all of you. Otherwise I am only representing myself. I’m quite comfortable doing so but I think that I can do even better than that.

To add to that, Steve has also started a lexicon. I do envy his skills. I have one that I started writing a while ago. It is quite an exhausting endeavor to remember and catalog that much information.

Corbexx, Mike, and I have all had people come to us and ask about scout sites for incursions. I chatted with CCP Affinity about this and she let me share that the calls to rebalance scout sites have been heard. We’re not going to see this until sometime in the first quarter of next year. Her time is already booked for Rhea and beyond. Still, another thing done and taken care of.

Corbexx also had another of his wormhole meetings. I’d have attended. He told me it was last week when I was off. Then he goes, “Oops!” It turns out that it was instead, this week when I work. I think he planned it that way!

We are just over two weeks to Rhea.


  1. The new trailer is excellent, but I can't help to think that any new players joining EVE and expecting what the video shows will be up to a extremely rough wake up. XD

    Maybe the video was not aimed to new players and is like the other CCP marketing these days, a call to returning bittervets...?

    PS: gotta love how the only miner in that video is a null miner... ;-)

    1. Angry, could anyone make a vid, other than a poke in the eye funny about derping, that shows what it's like to actually be a new bro in EVE? I mean we can't make a vid depicting what my corp does... Gunboat Recruitment... we only recruit them after we kill em at least once. Not sure how expectant players would take that... though, it does work well for us. TBH...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. As I said it's a nice video, and it's a good advertisement. It made me feel nostalgic, despite how I never did anything in the video (well, I mined a lot, but not in nullsec where rocks are worth 100 millon each).

      One of my pet peeves is that CCP Seagull may be selling the game to the current customers, and tha'ts bad for me, because I am not buying the a game as it is, and unless CCP expands it into a different direction I won't play it again, which is a waste of all my previous investment.

      My only hopes are that what is good for noobs is also good for those who never joined the whole PvP thing. I've read about Thera and it's like just a Level 90 area. In case you learned to PvP (Level 40!)... and in case you learned to WH (Level 80!)... THEN you may have a chance with Thera (Level 90, completely).

      But EVE is not a theme park. High security is not the Level 5-15 area and I don't deserve being treated like a noob just because I never bothered "leveling up" to PvP. Highsec lacks not just high SP content, but EVE content at all. No content creation, no drama, there is no EVE in high sec.

      And that is not my fault, IMXHO.

  2. I wanna see more of this new in game map!

  3. You can do incursions in high sec if you want hi sp content


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